water python eggs

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Nov 15, 2008
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hi all,
About a month ago my water pythons laid my first clutch of eggs... Ive been incubating them at 28.c at about 70-80% humidity...

Recently ive noticed some of the eggs have discoloured and have small blue spots on them... Are the eggs still good? or are they on their way out? Any help would be great. Heres a photo:


  • eggs.jpg
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That's a bit too cold my friend. They look pretty well dead to me, candle them and see if they have veins and bump the temp up by about 3 degrees.
I honestly think you have lost the entire clutch although I may be wrong. My water python eggs are at 31.5 degrees as well.
i hope not... i was going off a site i found on the net that said to have it on 28... ive bumped it upto 31 now and ill check for veins... fingers crossed
If you separate the clutch you might find that some in the centre of the clutch will be ok the centre of the clutch can sometimes be warmer than the outside. I wouldn't count on it though.
Best bet I reckon is to candle the eggs, then you will know for sure wether or not you have any live ones left....
Isnt most of Australian python eggs ment to be incubated at 31.5 degrees,i dont think any are any good,do as suggested,
Doesn't look promising, candle them and see if they are still alive or dead, only way to know.
Best bet I reckon is to candle the eggs, then you will know for sure wether or not you have any live ones left....

Dead eggs can still candle and look red with veins etc, i had a clutch of keel back eggs that were dead yet they still looked red when candled. I cut one open and they were hard on the inside so they were definately dead.
We always incubate our python eggs here at 30 and have good strong hatchlings and a 100 percent hatch rate of fertile healthy eggs over the past 3 seasons

Scott & Tie
thanks everyone... i managed to sperate them however they all look to have gone a bad colour... they dont smell and they are all still soft, so ill keep them going on 31.c and see how they go.... Keep yous posted
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