Weird Pygmy dragon eggs

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Jan 14, 2020
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Hi guys. One of my female Pygmy dragons/rankin’s dragons laid 21 fertile eggs 4 days ago. This is her second clutch and out of the 21 eggs (all have veins) 2 have developed this weird yellow blob on one side of the egg. I have candled those eggs and they still look good inside, just unsure if I should continue to incubate them. Eggs are in damp vermiculite and incubated at 28-29 degrees. Anyone have experience with this? CCC32536-EA91-41D3-AFF8-91C8CC7C79B7.jpeg05AE8476-1FCE-4640-AB17-F24DF1FA8170.jpeg
That is a weird looking egg ! I have never seen 1 like it. I'd keep it going unless it turns mouldy, as it might be a good one. Don't let it touch the others and if it turns yellow all over or goes mouldy chuck it out.
My girl laid 2 clutches of 16&17 eggs each so 21 is pretty good, the first clutch was 100% , second clutch due in days, I use temps of 29-31C and 16 hatched from the first.
I keep 3 types of beardies and bred all 3 this year so I have eggs and babies all over the place
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Some people call these '**** eggs', they're relatively common in snakes too. They're less likely to hatch than normal eggs but if you get incubation spot on you should get babies out of them.