Why cant we argue about homosexuals and the legalities of buggery in todays society as it is still against the law in the commonwealth of Australia and as such certain members of parliament etc are breaking the law.
To start the argument Buggery and homosexuality is not natural and therfore is wrong in the eyes of christianity (not that i am one) and also it is immoral. Two people of the same sex should not be allowed to have children as the parents by many doctors admission have a mental problem which has caused there homosexuality and are therefore unfit to be parents. They should also not allowed to be married, marriage is a religious engagement between two people of opposite sex, call it something different. They should not be called Gay, Gay is a happy word, i would like to call myself happy and gay every now and then but i cant, since when does a $%#^ up the @$$ make you happy and Gay. To clarify im am not being homo phobic i have a few Homosexual friends and acquaintances they are all nice people but what they do at night and sometimes during the day is wrong.
Let the arguing and comments come forth for this i cant wait.