What is going on with my Jungle??

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Not so new Member
Apr 18, 2010
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Hi Guys,
Just looking for a bit of advice/.
I have a Jungle that is approx 20 months old, that i have had for about 2 1/2 months.
He is a little cage defensive, but good to handle once he is out. I usually get him out every 2-3 days for about 15 minutes. he is about 110cm long.
He is feeding well, after about 4 weeks to settle in. I feed him a fuzzt rat once a fortnight, and I think once these run out I may go up a size.
He is in a 4ft enclosure with temps of about 21/cold and 34/hot. See pics below.
He is normally always out, either stretched out along the main log, curled up at either end of the log, or occasionally in behind the bush at the cold end.
He has not shed in the time that i have had him.
My question/problem is that for some reason he has been hiding in his shoebox hide 24hrs a day for the last 4 days. Until this week he has never even used his hide. Why is he suddenly being shy??

Thanks for your help.

snake cage 1.JPGsnake cage 2.JPG
He is prob comming up to a slough, snakes tend to hide at this time as thier eyes become milkey and they cant see so are open to predator attack.
Quietly lift the lid off the box and have a look and you will be able to see the change in its skin
check if the eyes are milky or the skin is duller than normal
yeah i agree with all of the above as well, ur python will be a little more agressive in this period as as his/her eye sight is distorted and mine are always a little grumpy i dont handle mine whilest shed period is on, but it will be well worth it all after the shed ur jungles colours will be more prevalent, your jungles colours will be at there best after its shed will bring out bright new shiney skin and make it look brand new like a coat of paint on an old car! as you have your jungle longer and longer you will recongise when the skin dulls down to a brown colour and thats when the process of shed starts or has started. Trust yourself !

hope this helps
Thanks everyone for your help.
I thought I was waiting for a shed, and i am happy that I was on the right path.

I woke up this morning to find a present of shed skin all twisted between the beautiful landscape of his enclosure. And a happy to be seen Jungle as well.
thats good Joanna this is going to happen every 4-6 weeks sometimes they have a bad shed doesnt come off in one piece but always people here ready to help you will always fine shed skin twited around there landscape i dont see them shed and find it in the morning but i think they rub up against there sticks/perch help them remove there old skin and its always a nice suprise to see there new skin
As I said, I thought I was on the right track.
I have a little spotted that shed's about every 21 days. I can usually tell when "tonights the night" and I have actually been lucky enough to catch her in the act.
The spotted and the jungle have such different "personalities", I was just validating my thoughts.
What are you feeding your spotted? How old is it? I reckon 3 weeks is a little too often for a snake to shed.
What are you feeding your spotted? How old is it? I reckon 3 weeks is a little too often for a snake to shed.

Snakelove, I feed my spotted once a week, one fuzzy mouse. I have had her since mid May, and she was about 6months old when i got her - so almost 9 months old. She was about 37cm a week after i got her, and now she is 49cm.
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