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Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Sounds like I missed the fun! Where can I find the vegetarian lizard thread? :lol:
Howdy All. We've been on the road nearly 2 years now! 24,000 brilliant km in Oz and Indonesia. Still kicking despite the 3 month death sentence. Good to see a lot of familiar names here. Obviously with all the travel we no longer have pets (although I just bought another fish tank.) My nasty is back with a vengeance and going through the mess of chemo again is not for me. I'll cop it on the chin and keep stuffing as much LIFE as I can into my ever leakier little swag until the end- next week 3 days on a Houseboat on Coroboree Billabong, two weeks after that we're fishing North West Arnhem Land for a week! Rooftop suite at the Casino booked for New Years fireworks! Keep going until you cant and bow out gracefully. That's the plan. Will stay in touch with the new site, happy about the changes! Talk soon
SteveNT (the picture is titled "how to die of cancer and still enjoy the world!"


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Wow [MENTION=26441]SteveNT[/MENTION].....You have no idea how sad i am to hear the "Nasty" is back, but i am sure with your indomitable spirit you are laughing in it's face and saying "i dare you to come and get me" at the moment i am in a semi remission, just gotta try and get those pesky "T" cells into some sort of order. what happened to your blog??? i was looking forward to living vicariously through you on your magnificent journey, but i imagine that you and Darlyn where having too much fun to worry about damn computers lol. I am glad you are still living the dream and now the forum is owned by someone with a little more than sand in his scrotum i will look forward to seeing you and the lovely Darlyn checking in a bit more frequently and posting a bit more of your journey, you look just too good to be checking out just yet m8. :) :) :) .......................Ron
G'day Ron, glad to hear you're still with us mate. The blog was a complete fail- Hostpapa are a fraud just trying to suck more & more money out of you. I switched to Wordpress but we rarely ever had web access in the places we go so I eventually gave up. Most people just follow my Facie page now. Even though we don't keep reptiles now (Darlyn still has the big BHP at a friend's house) we still meet lots of scaly friends along the way. Here's one that popped up at the bush bar at Lorella Springs a few weeks ago while we were having some amber fluids.


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[MENTION=26441]SteveNT[/MENTION] I don't really post on here much, more of an observer these days.i know we have never met but I do remember when u dropped your bad news and plans of travel. I use to follow your thread with great interest. Good to see your still around and having fun!!! Keep making the most of it mate
Great to see you on again Steve, Good to see you doing it on your terms mate.
Anyone wanting to follow our travels/ adventures etc can like my FB page- stevent is my bucket list page
just noticed the new donation button .... :)

Hope we all give a little to help keep this wonderful board doing.
i'm new here but i've been to many forums and from experience i can say alot of the time people just lose interest then return again when interest repeaks....i also know too many people in any field who are touchy when it comes to knowledge, its annoying. I had a fellow herp trash me one time for saying that soaking a mouse in chicken broth works for snakes that wont eat, have no idea why, as it DOES it helped my Ball Python...you should see some of the silly arguments that my fellow zoo keepers have sometimes. Holding freshly knackered kangaroo balls in your bare hand isn't going to kill you, settle down kids :p
I'm only a brand new member, so we'll say I arrived post Stu.

From an outsiders perspective I've found everyone to be very helpful as long as your questions aren't too stupid.
And I love the combination of new, oldish & built in to the furniture members.
As someone who jumps into a hobby head first & really likes to research beyond what is needed, I would hate to be banished to a newbies section! although I do understand how frustrating it would be to repeat yourself 11,000 times.
I think the new members section gives us a chance to describe what level we are & then members can either decide to offer help or ignore our posts.

Coming from the rat forum a few years ago when everyone I know left... this forum thus far hasn't exhibited as much anger & arguing as that did. But of course, every gathering of people online has that.

I follow a lot of groups on facebook, but I prefer a forum so that I don't lose posts or forget where to find things, you also get to peek inside groups or conversations unrelated to your main interests that help you further knowledge.
And I find that you get more serious or less sensationalized replies on a forum.

Anyway, Stu's doing well as far as I can tell & people like Pineyfamily, Cement & Ronhalling have been so informative that I consider my short time here a big win.

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