Without more info it could really be a number of things , as said could be coming up to a shed . how long have you had the snake for, how old is the snake . how often do you handle it ? . I agree 5 days is nothing even for a hatchling , as said give it a week and try again .hi plz help me my snake is not eating he has never said no to food he had something 5 days ago i left it in there with him and he has not taken it why is something up:?:?:?:?:?
hi plz help me my snake is not eating he has never said no to food he had something 5 days ago i left it in there with him and he has not taken it why is something up:?:?:?:?:?
Is this your BHP??? If it is then you only got him a couple of weeks ago and therefore may be a little stressed...
What are you keeping him in??
Have you been handling him....