he shed again? too soon <10days>

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Active Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Adelaide, Australia
eh, ok here it is my bredli python shed on 24th august then 4weeks later 20th september then i bathed him in luke-warm water on the 25th september to help with skin left on his body... anyhow today (being 10days since his last shed) he has shed again? thats like 3 times in 6weeks!!!

he measured yesterday at about 75cm and weighed 93g

is this ok? normal?
not normal, but many reasons why he could be doing this, mites is your first thought.. check for them, see if you can eliminate 'mites' as a cause..
I read somewhere that pythons can force shed, so there maybe some issue with your bredli.

Doesn't seem normal to me, my bredli sheds once a month-ish.
my spotted was shedding ever five weeks now has slowed down as he is coming on to two years old
eh, ok here it is my bredli python shed on 24th august then 4weeks later 20th september then i bathed him in luke-warm water on the 25th september to help with skin left on his body... anyhow today (being 10days since his last shed) he has shed again? thats like 3 times in 6weeks!!!

he measured yesterday at about 75cm and weighed 93g

is this ok? normal?

I've had it happen often enough. The previous shed was not completely successful for one reason or another (you did say you were bathing due to retained areas) and this has triggered another cycle. If all is fine now don't worry.
It could also be a sign of illness, if you're not confident about it's health find a reptile vet and ask them about it.
hmm ok... um how do u check a snake for mites???

i think he is fine he seems and appears fine...

anyone know of any good herp vets in adelaide? what would the cost be roughly for this "checkup" if i went to a vet? i know theres 1 vet at the vet place i take my dog that does reptiles but i wouldnt know if theyre any good or not lol
$50-60 for the consultation + medication....roughly.. ive only ever needed a vet once...it may have gone up...
Yeah that's pretty cheap for a vet..

Mites look like tiny little red or black dots under a snakes scales, sometimes you can even see them moving around. Mites usually take residence on the bottom of the head.
I'm with Baxtor here, if he had a crappy slough previously he is just sloughing again to rectify the problem. If he sloughs properly this time I think he'll be fine.
Has he been spending a lot of time in hes water bowl? That a sign of mites. And buddy i paid $500 for my beardie to get several check ups, medication, he had to stay there overnight... now thats expensive!
ok well his last shed (todays) was fine he shed with nothing left behind...

he doesnt really go in his water much - same as usual - i havent actually seen him in there before but ive seen him slitthering over it but the water amount does go down every couple days...

i checked him over and he loooks fine no black or red spots nothing out of the ordinary (other than his "green appearance since previous shed)

hopefully he will be fine hes still happy and out and about a fair bit he only goes in his hides to warm up or whatever and doesnt stay in the long exept after eating...
what is this whith people describing their young bredlis looking 'greenish" this is about the thirs thred I have read with people taking about it.......

Is this something Bredliis do ?
Could just be a retained shed. But if the shedding consist I suggest you take him to a vet. I have a spotted python that shed constantly for 8 weeks (shed 6 times). We took it to the vet multiply times and have managed to get her back to full health. Hope all is well. In your case it was probably just the retained shed.

what is this whith people describing their young bredlis looking 'greenish" this is about the thirs thred I have read with people taking about it.......

Is this something Bredliis do ?

Not sure if it is something that bredli's do but i have been noticing with my juvi bredli in the last few weeks his cream colored areas have had a greenish tinge to them. Have tried to get pics to get it to show up but i cant get a decent pic of it.

Bredli-python i'm going to agree with Bax and grizz my bredli did that a few months ago when he had a bad slough but has been back to normal after the 3 quick sloughs, but if it keeps happening you might have to head to the vet if you cant see any mites. BTW when you change your bredli's water look for pieces of "pepper" in the water bowl, i couldnt see any on one of my McDowelli but i found dead ones in the water bowl and i never saw her soak.
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ok will do... his water always looks normal...

hopefully it is just cause of his previous sheds ive been keeping an eye on him when im home n he seems fine...
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