Help with gecko.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2009
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Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Its about 20 weeks old, and over the past few weeks, its been getting really puffy cheeks :( im getting worried. 100_2172.jpg100_2174.jpg i know his tail is small, he eats like a pig but its not growing. shedding fine, and he is just a bit bulgy in the belly
Im not sure about levis but I know some other species of geckos (particularly breeding females) store calcium around their neck which creates a yellowish bulge
yeah it is puffing its throat out because your disturbing it

it would also benefit from some more food as its tail is rather small
Im not sure about levis but I know some other species of geckos (particularly breeding females) store calcium around their neck which creates a yellowish bulge
Yeah on 2nd thoughts thats not calcium stores, the gecko is however underweight and should be fed up and left alone at all times, not prodded
she eats alot, and i dont hold her, i only did it for the photo so i could get her in the position i wanted to take a photo, i didn't mean i always prod her, i've felt it, and its not hard/fluidy
its puffing its throat out ash ...

its not impressed being touched.....

she need to be fed more and sprayed with water more often
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its puffing its throat out ash ...

its not impressed being touched.....

she need to be fed more and sprayed with water more often
:rolleyes: she said it does it in the tank as well. not just when it gets touched!!!!!! :rolleyes:
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It does it in the tank because she clearly is disturbing it to see it doing it in the tank

so you can also refer back to my above post .......
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and we feed them every two days, woodies, temp is 28-30, we DONT HOLD THEM. we mist them when they get fed. they shed every 6weeks ish.

so what you need to do is feed the thing daily and increase the the food intake like I have already advised
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All he was saying is that it needing feeding up and regular misting, if thats what your already doing then whats the issue, your already doing all you can
its very simple ash .... i keep my geckos hot end at 32 maybe a little each side of 32 i also feed them daily every two days isnt enough for any gecko in that kind of condition ....
kupper, how often do you feed your mature gex? Not trying to start anything just out of curiosity, i've always fed them once or twice a week if they are in good condition, as much as they will eat and that kept them in shape, ash i do suggest bumping the feeding up to everyday at least untill she gets some condition back on her and also it wouldnt hurt to separate
you also have more than one gecko i think from memory you need to make sure "that one"is eating not the others pigging all the food
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