Well-Known Member
Will do, picking it up around 1 ish tomorrow
That'll teach you to do housework
That'll teach you to do housework
Do DSE in Victoria do a similar thing
I got a call to say I`d won the juvenile diamond and then about 45 min later got another call saying there had been a mix up and the snake couldn`t be picked up tommorrow but rather could be picked up Monday! I have to work Monday and couldn`t get there so I hadn`t to turn it down!
It`s the first time I`d entered because for the first time I was able to be there to collect if I won.
Oh well, win some, lose some!
Well deccw even attended to me half an hour earlier than i was supposed to be ther so that was great on their behalf. Got home as vet doesnt open til 3 and welcomed my new addition to a roam on the trailer bars and myself. please see the attached pics. A very dark diamond, but very calm, even after warming significantly in the sun
nice looking diamond u got there dangles i will put some pics of the ackie after i get back from the doctors to get a tetanus shot since the the ackie bit me and decided not to let go for bout 10mins lol