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you will find that you and your/future snake/'s will be better off if you got use to being bitten rather than it being use to being handled, its really not that much of a problem getting bitten by a young snake with teeth no more than 2 millimetres.
that being said, you have been told numerous times what you have to do, regular contact, whether that be just getting it out to clean and change its substrate or actually handled, the amount of time it take varies from snake to snake so all because one snake took 6 months to calm down, doesn't mean your one will take 6 months too.
just gotta suck it up and enjoy your coastal for how it is at the moment.
trust me, juvenile snappy snakes are way more funner/funnier than a relaxed juvie.
You are dead right Rob, it has surprised even me and that is saying something. This is a perfect example of never give up, my nephew has a beautiful 2 1/2 yo Bredli that was bought as a yearling from a breeder that did not handle his young 1s except to sex them or change the bedding and from day 1 my nephew experienced a whole new world of pain, this thing was the spawn of satan it lashed out at everything and everyone even lashed out at it's own tail if it seen it on the other side of a rock or something, Rob (Bart70) knows what i mean, he seen it in action at our local Herp Society meeting, it did not matter which method was used to get it out of the enclosure (hook, gloves, pillow case, towel, sherman tank) it lashed out, and not just once, this thing was like a gattling gun, i tried once and in the time it took to get it out and put it back i had 4 bite zones all bleeding profusely, Ok now you all have a histology of this spawn of satan.
Just recently this Bredli has decided that living in my nephews bedroom is not such a bad deal after all and has become manageable, it still stikes out occasionaly but with none of the fury which is previously possessed ( i think "possessed" is a good word for it lol) and is well on the way to congeniality, this just goes to show all that it is never really too late for your snappy charge to get it's halo (as Rob said). Patience, Patience, Patience :) .........................Ron
LMAO that's hilarious, they are such characters(snakes)
I can kiss him, I can put his head in my mouth, I can grab his head, I can pick him up and touch him when he has food in his Cage without him striking or biting me. He really is a good boy

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Oh dear... this is such idiotic behaviour. I saw from a previous post that your snake bit someone on the face. FIRST RULE OF REPTILE KEEPING: DO NOT, EVER, LET THEM GET WITHIN BITING DISTANCE OF YOUR FACE (OR ANYONE ELSES)! The main problem is your own lack of confidence with reptiles, so what are you going to do when, one day, your "tame" snake reverts to natural behaviour and bites you on the face?

Seems your concern is more about your own ego, if you feel the need to subject them to such undignified behaviour.

I can kiss him, I can put his head in my mouth, I can grab his head, I can pick him up and touch him when he has food in his Cage without him striking or biting me. He really is a good boy

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2

Umm, just a quick question. Why are you putting your snakes head in your mouth??? I'm only new to this whole fandangled snake keeping caper but two things come to mind:
1. If ever there was a time that a snakes natural instincts come into play, it would be when something is going to eat it. It would have no idea your reasons for doing such a thing other than you want to eat it and on that note, why do you do it? Showing off to friends or something.

2. I'm not 100% sure on the whole bacteria thing but snakes can carry salmonella and, I imagine, given their digestive system, other crazy awesome microbial goodies contained in their mouth etc so you're just asking for trouble there.

JMO but I have never felt the need to put my snakes head it my mouth and I'm trying to understand why? Have you tried this technique (the head in mouth one) with the snake in the OP. Maybe everytime you get it out, it thinks your going to try and eat it and does everything in its power to get out of that situation.
I can kiss him, I can put his head in my mouth, I can grab his head, I can pick him up and touch him when he has food in his Cage without him striking or biting me. He really is a good boy

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2

While I've never actually stuck his head in my mouth (just curious how do you know you can do this?? Can't say I've ever woken up one morning and gone "I know, today I'll stick my snakes head in my mouth and see what happens??") my coastal is the same for all intents and purposes, I can hold his head still during vets checks or when removing some retained shed and have once had to disturb during feeding as he grabbed the wire for my thermometer along with the rat with no dramas, but just recently he's started hissing a lot during handling and struck at me once.

My point is (as mentioned by others) snakes aren't domestic animals, you can't always predict what will happen and the day you decide to stick them in your mouth could easily be the day they decide to strike you. This works both ways however, your very aggressive snake could (and most likely will with age & regular handling) calm down. There's no guarantee when purchasing reptiles and they are subject to change, just be patient with this one, and avoid sticking it in your mouth ;)
this has been interesting to read as i have just gotten a spotty in the last couple of weeks and he seems to handle great right up to the point
where i let him go in a controled enclosed enviroment and then he gets really fysty and struck me 3 times last night and once again which has been good in its own
wy cause now i no what it feels like it doesnt really worry me any more
Can I just ask the people that have stated there snakes have only just started to become snappy that thes r MALES??
this thread has been an interesting read, little demon snakes haha, i'm still new to the whole thing but i've read quite a bit and come to the conclusion that you can't determine if a snake will ever settle down, seems that it's natural that they just do after they grow a bit and feel less threatened. also seen full grown snakes that have been handled since they were a baby and still fiesty as anything, probably all dependant on the animal, as others say think of it as a child who has their own personality, they're not 100% instinctual creatures, they do have brains and choose how they react to different stimuli so trust is one of the best words to describe a snake that handles well and doesn't bite. another thing i've heard is that if you are worried of being bit a snake can pick up on that and it makes them nervous too, i was with mine, i was nervous and hesitated to the point they would start getting ready to strike but after handling them i'd say it's partly them being calm and also my confidence to reach in and grab the snakes without fear of being bitten that helps. however i'm unable to comment on snakes that bite whilst being handled, it or you is nervous? smells food? people around? animals? having fans can seem to bother them as well, although at the end of the day they're a creature with a brain and a unique individual personality, you get stubborn people that never change, some snakes may be the same.
Can I just ask the people that have stated there snakes have only just started to become snappy that thes r MALES??

What's your point? (I know that sounds really rude but I don't mean it too can't think of another way to word it)

I wasn't trying to explain why snakes may become snappy or in turn start to calm down - I was just saying it happens and there's only a certain amount of it we can control so don't rely on the fact that your snake is placid to mean you can always put it in your mouth :lol:
What's your point? (I know that sounds really rude but I don't mean it too can't think of another way to word it)

I wasn't trying to explain why snakes may become snappy or in turn start to calm down - I was just saying it happens and there's only a certain amount of it we can control so don't rely on the fact that your snake is placid to mean you can always put it in your mouth :lol:
think he was generally asking the other posters who may have mentioned their normally calm/non aggressive animals which may have had a change in attitude whether they were males maybe to find out for himself whether one gender is likely to get aggressive during certain times of the year as something makes me think we're soon to enter breeding season in aus?
think he was generally asking the other posters who may have mentioned their normally calm/non aggressive animals which may have had a change in attitude whether they were males maybe to find out for himself whether one gender is likely to get aggressive during certain times of the year as something makes me think we're soon to enter breeding season in aus?

You may be right, he started out can I ask but then ends with these are MALES lol, wasn't sure if he was asking or telling :) and yes males can get frustrated without lady friends around breeding season lol, but to my knowledge this isn't until later in the year (someone correct me if I'm wrong cos I'm not real sure, I thought Spring??)
You may be right, he started out can I ask but then ends with these are MALES lol, wasn't sure if he was asking or telling :) and yes males can get frustrated without lady friends around breeding season lol, but to my knowledge this isn't until later in the year (someone correct me if I'm wrong cos I'm not real sure, I thought Spring??)
Sry if it sounded bad.... Yes it's common that male ants get frustrated... I learnt this last yr from a breeder on here... My male stimi is the best handling snake.... Until march April and then he becomes satan!!... He's ok when he's with the girls but when I take him away for a break he goes loopy lol.... This can happen to anyone who has a male ant if breeding age cooling or not as ants seem to gauge the time of yr regardless.... Hope this clears my point up... Was just trying to help but asked the question first...
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Sry if it sounded bad.... Yes it's common that make ants get frustrated... I learnt this last yr from a breeder on here... My male stimi is the best handling snake.... Until march April and then he becomes satan!!... He's ok when he's with the girls but when I take him away for a break he goes loopy lol.... This can happen to anyone who has a male ant if breeding age cooling or not as ants seem to gauge the time of yr regardless.... Hope this clears my point up... Was just trying to help but asked the question first...

It's all good lol, I was more worried I sounded harsh ;) so anytime not just breeding season hey? Didn't know that; guess you do learn something new everyday :)

Edit: And you did clear your point up but did you mean to keep making references to ants? Or is that code for something I don't know lol?
It's all good lol, I was more worried I sounded harsh ;) so anytime not just breeding season hey? Didn't know that; guess you do learn something new everyday :)

Edit: And you did clear your point up but did you mean to keep making references to ants? Or is that code for something I don't know lol?
Normally just the males in breeding season going to start a thread in General about a thing called tap training for all the people out there that have pretty good handling snakes but somewhat cage defensive...I use this method with all my snake large or small and never had a bite (apart from me jungle while feeding and the dog ran in the house and he got me rather than the rat.....u can imagine me with snake coiled on me arm trying to eat me while trying to get the 40kg American staffy out the back door) lol...anyway ill start a new post
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