Feeding my Stimson

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Nov 26, 2023
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I’ve had a Stimson’s Python for a month now and I’m not sure if I’m feeding her enough. The pet shop I got her from said she’s about a year old and she’s about 50cm long. I fed her on Monday and she pooped today but I think she’s hungry again already. She bit my finger (my fault) and yawned today. I have been feeding her small fuzzies.
i dont have one but i have morelia, in my experience mine will act like they are still hungry few days after a meal sometimes but this can be because they can still smell the food or simply they are ready for food that is a little bigger. if there is a bulge after feeding your probably fine. maybe try a hopper and see if theres a change in behavior.
I’ve had a Stimson’s Python for a month now and I’m not sure if I’m feeding her enough. The pet shop I got her from said she’s about a year old and she’s about 50cm long. I fed her on Monday and she pooped today but I think she’s hungry again already. She bit my finger (my fault) and yawned today. I have been feeding her small fuzzies.
Hello i have a baby albino stimson python. I have had him over a month. He ate 3 times but wont eat anymore. He has grown but is quite little. Maybe 30cm long but very thin. I have tried feeding him for 2 weeks now. Even the first 3 feeds were difficult. I felt I had to shove the food in his mouth. But the last couple of weeks no interest at all. He is quite gentle. Never strikes.. even when he eats i feel like he has a small reflex of grabbing the food. I am worried he is sick. Actually tonight after trying to feed him by using a technique in a video (stressing him to provoke a strike) he became completely catatonic. I am worried I have overstressed him and he will die… so tough. Sorry I am not answering your question but I thought I d add mine as you might know more than me. I hope my snake is going to survive.
Hello i have a baby albino stimson python. I have had him over a month. He ate 3 times but wont eat anymore. He has grown but is quite little. Maybe 30cm long but very thin. I have tried feeding him for 2 weeks now. Even the first 3 feeds were difficult. I felt I had to shove the food in his mouth. But the last couple of weeks no interest at all. He is quite gentle. Never strikes.. even when he eats i feel like he has a small reflex of grabbing the food. I am worried he is sick. Actually tonight after trying to feed him by using a technique in a video (stressing him to provoke a strike) he became completely catatonic. I am worried I have overstressed him and he will die… so tough. Sorry I am not answering your question but I thought I d add mine as you might know more than me. I hope my snake is going to survive.
Hi Aggy, I have a T+ stimson that was a very reluctant feeder that did very similar behavior at the beginning. With mine I had to put her into a smaller container with crumpled up paper for cover and use live food, took a year before she would eat in her larger cage and was still a bit of a reluctant feeder for a couple more years but eats more regularly now.
Hi Aggy, I have a T+ stimson that was a very reluctant feeder that did very similar behavior at the beginning. With mine I had to put her into a smaller container with crumpled up paper for cover and use live food, took a year before she would eat in her larger cage and was still a bit of a reluctant feeder for a couple more years but eats more regularly now.
Thank you for your response. Do you have some picture of the container and the setup ? Did you have to add a heat lamp ? I just have a heat mat now. I dont think I could feed him live food. How often did yours eat when he was little ? Mine has started moving again so glad I didnt kill him. But I tried feeding him again without success… i cant post the video of him not eating because too big. But he just doesnt care. Runs away for a while then stays still as if catatonic again


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Thank you for your response. Do you have some picture of the container and the setup ? Did you have to add a heat lamp ? I just have a heat mat now. I dont think I could feed him live food. How often did yours eat when he was little ? Mine has started moving again so glad I didnt kill him. But I tried feeding him again without success… i cant post the video of him not eating because too big. But he just doesnt care. Runs away for a while then stays still as if catatonic again
Sorry I don’t think I can be very helpful to you. My Stimson Python always seems hungry and eats very well. She’s currently around 60cm and is in a 90x45x60cm enclosure and seems very content. We have a heat mat and have added a UV lamp.
What time of the day are you feeding your snake? Stimson’s are a nocturnal snake and feed at night in nature. I wonder if your snake is simply sleeping not catatonic.
I know I’m not very helpful. I hope your snake is doing better.
Hello i have a baby albino stimson python. I have had him over a month. He ate 3 times but wont eat anymore. He has grown but is quite little. Maybe 30cm long but very thin. I have tried feeding him for 2 weeks now. Even the first 3 feeds were difficult. I felt I had to shove the food in his mouth. But the last couple of weeks no interest at all. He is quite gentle. Never strikes.. even when he eats i feel like he has a small reflex of grabbing the food. I am worried he is sick. Actually tonight after trying to feed him by using a technique in a video (stressing him to provoke a strike) he became completely catatonic. I am worried I have overstressed him and he will die… so tough. Sorry I am not answering your question but I thought I d add mine as you might know more than me. I hope my snake is going to survive.
Hi Iggy I'm not sure if this will be of help, but I have a 100 percent het t+ stimmi that is also quite young. I found similar behaviour in mine toward the beginning, there's a couple of things. 1 is stress will more likely put them off food. 2 make sure that temps are right, if a snake isn't warm enough it won't want to eat. I originally tried feeding in seperate contact but I found that the act of moving my little one into an unfamiliar environment stressed it out too much to eat. It was more interested in getting to a safe place. So at least until good feeding behaviour is established try feed in enclosure. Another thing that I found when my stimmi didn't want to eat was if the pinkie was swinging by the tail it was often too scary, try and hold the pinkie in a way where you can control all movement, I hold it on the back legs with my tongs. Another thing I found helpful was having the pinkie bleed as the smell was stronger that way. That was how mine took it the first time. After the first two feeds the response was stronger and I no longer needed to make the Pinki bleed and the feed response gradually got stronger each time until the strike was followed by wrapping behaviour.

Maybe the t+ makes the feed response even less strong, mine is het but a friend got a normal wheatbelt stimmi of the same age and it was a far stronger feeder. It's interesting if that's the case. I hope this helps a little, but temps, blood and low stress is my recommendation. If you cant get a feed you may have to take it to an exotic vet for force feeding, don't do it yourself.