nephrurus levis occidentalis

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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  1. NickGeee

    Female Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Shark bay three lined knob tail Age Presumed 3years Size Adult, large for a levis Quantity Available 1 Bred By Mother Nature General Description Legally wildcaught female nephrurus levis, very dark individual no holds, need...
  2. F

    need help identifying sex of gecko

    would like other opinions on the possible sex of my gecko i believe it to be male but im definitely no expert not sure how good the picture quality is thanks
  3. N

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis ( pairs)

    Scientific Name nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name smooth knobtail gecko Age 1 x 3 1/2 year old pair 1 x 12 month old pair Size Quantity Available 2 pairs Bred By mummy and daddy geckos General Description great little critters.. Location Townsville Willing to...
  4. A

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Western smooth knob-tailed gecko Age Juvi Size Quantity Available 5 Bred By General Description Location Keep updated with new stock, specials and competitions by giving us a like below
  5. GC_Pet_Centre

    Geckos - Pilbs and Occis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Nephrurus levis pilbarensis Common Name Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko Age 1 year Quantity Available 2 Pilbarensis 1 Occidentalis Location Gold Coast Contact Details PM for more details Email: Phone: (07) 5576 8766 Or...
  6. N

    Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis

    Scientific Name Common Name knob tail gecko Age a couple of weeks to 6 months Size Quantity Available a few Bred By me General Description Location Willing to Freight? to your nearest aae depot is included in price(conditions apply) Contact Details pm License Number...
  7. A

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Knob tail gecko Age 6 months Size Quantity Available 1 Bred By General Description Great looking gecko eating well on small crickets Location AMAZING AMAZON 365 SPRINGVALE RD GLEN WAVERLEY MELB VIC 3150...
  8. A

    Lizzy + Dizzy (Knob-Tails)

    my new friends Lizzy + Dizzy (Knob-Tailed 'Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis' Gecko's) both juvenile females.
  9. A

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Knob tail gecko's Age 4 months Size small Quantity Available 2 Bred By General Description Eating well on small crickets! Location AMAZING AMAZON 365 SPRINGVALE RD GLEN WAVERLEY MELB VIC 3150 0395450000...
  10. njames

    Smooth Knob-Tailed Gecko - Occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Smooth Knob-Tailed Gecko Age Just Over 12 Months Size Adult Quantity Available One Bred By John McGrath General Description Breeding age male Smooth Knob-Tailed Gecko in perfect health! Recently lost his mate and so have...
  11. G

    Nephrurus Occidentalis - Hatchies

    Scientific Name Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis Common Name Western Smooth Knobtail Age 1 month Sex unknown Size ----------------------------- Quantity Available 2 Price $180 each or $300 for both Bred By Me General Description I was planning to hold onto all the occis I...
  12. Varanus1

    Western smooth knob-tailed gecko

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Western smooth knob-tailed gecko Age Hatchlings to adults Sex various Size Juvies and full sized adults Quantity Available 4 Price Juvies: $100 Adult pair: $360 Bred By Adults: Adam Elliott juvies...
  13. BennyA

    levis gecko adults

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name smooth knob tail gecko Age 1.5 years Sex males Size 10-12cm Quantity Available 2 Price 200 Will swap both for one female General Description 2 large adult males for sale one bought as a hyper Will swap both...
  14. BennyA

    3 x levis occidentalis geckos and enclosure fully set up

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name smooth knob tail gecko Age young adults around 1.5 years Sex pair bought from amazing amazon and another hyper red male from upmarket pets Size 10-12cm Quantity Available 3 Price $400 firm for the lot, works out to $100...
  15. BennyA

    3 levis occidentalis geckos and enclosure, cheap

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name smooth knob tail gecko Age young adults around 1.5-2 years Sex pair bought from amazing amazon and another male from upmarket pets Size 10-12cm Quantity Available 3 Price $400 for the lot and will not...
  16. spongebob

    Breeding Pair Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Knob tailed geckos of the 'occi' variety Age Female 2 years, male unknown Sex Sexed Pair Size Female 12cm, male 11cm Quantity Available Pair Price $250/pr Bred By Female me, male Henry Cook General...
  17. G

    FOR SALE Male Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Western Knob-tailed Gecko Age 6 months Sex male Size normal size Quantity Available 1 Price $150 Bred By Me General Description Nice male Occi surplus to my needs. NSW sale only. Location Wagga pickup or freight...
  18. Saz

    Translucent Nephrurus levis occidentalis - 11 months old now

    Thought I'd add an update, I've just gotten eggs from his sister, and his mother is now gravid so crossing fingers I might see another little mutant in the incubator this season.
  19. Saz

    High coloured Nephrurus levis occidentalis males

    Four occidentalis males from my high colour project available. Price varies depending on quality. Will also consider trade for wheeleri. No females I'm afraid as I had a very high percentage of males last season. Pick up prefered (from Western suburbs Brisbane) but will consider freight...
  20. BennyA

    3 x Nephrurus levis occidentalis gecko's and full enclosure set up.

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis geckos times three Common Name smooth knob tail gecko Age Young Adults Sex Bought as a pair and an extra male (they all get along fantastically and no dominance issues at all ever, even when feeding) Size adults Quantity...
  21. A

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis gecko pair

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name smooth knob tail gecko Age yearling pair Sex male and female Size small adults Quantity Available 1 pair Price $350 Bred By John McGrath General Description Location AMAZING AMAZON 365 SPRINGVALE RD...
  22. spongebob

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis males

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name occidentalis Age 7 months Sex Male Size Young adults -around 7/8cm Quantity Available 2 Price $50 each Bred By Me General Description Perfect knobbies. Location Ryde area Sydney Willing...
  23. Varanus1

    Marbled velvet gecko (WA locale) & Western smooth knob-tailed geckos

    Scientific Name Oedura marmorata & Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Marbled velvet gecko (WA locale) & Western smooth knob-tailed gecko Age 5 months - 2 months Sex Various Size small Quantity Available 4 Price $120 each Bred By Myself General...
  24. Saz

    EOI - Males from highly coloured occidentalis project

    Will be getting some pickies together of highly coloured Nephrurus levis occidentalis males this weekend. There are about five males available in total, some are last seasons offspring, and a couple are older coloured males. All but one of them may carry the gene that caused this mutation...
  25. Saz

    Offspring from Coloured Nephrurus levis occidentalis parents

    I have some Christmas bills to pay, so have regretfully decided to let go this unsexed pair of hatchlings from my coloured occie project. I have a few people to email about them, but in case they are also strapped after Christmas I am putting this up here too as I'd like them sold quite...
  26. buck

    2 x Male N. levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Western Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko Age 1yrs Sex Males Quantity Available 2 General Description I have two males that are excess to my needs. Feeding well on roaches and crickets. Location Wollongong,NSW Willing to...
  27. monique18026

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name western smooth knobtailed gecko Age Sex male Length 10cm Quantity Available 1 Bred By General Description great colours ,feeding well missing toes on one foot was like that when i purchased him but he is...
  28. Saz

    Various geckos available

    2 x Nephrurus levis pilbariensis unsexable hatchlings - $230 each or $400 for both 2 x Nephrurus levis occidentalis unsexable hatchlings - $230 each or $400 for both 2 x Nephrurus levis occidentalis juvenile females - $250 each 2 x Underwoodisaurus milii unsexable hatchlings - $80 each...
  29. B

    The Bassassin

    Hello to all members who check out new members. ;) I am new to reptile keeping and have some species of interest. I'm exicted about building enclosures and am trying to set up at minimal cost. I'll be sending for my license on Monday. I can't wait until I get my first pair. I also look forward...
  30. B

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Will be looking for female and male in the coming months in spring maybe earlier. Will drive to pick up. I'm 2hrs south of Sydney.
  31. moloch05

    Aussie Lizard Art

    Here is a different view of some of the Australian lizards. Macro shots often reveal intricate patterns that are not so obvious in the normal full-body or portrait photographs. When examined like this, these lizards seem to be living, breathing works of art. 1) Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko...
  32. G

    Nephrurus levis occidentalis

    Scientific Name Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name Western Knob-tailed Gecko Age 1 and a half months Sex unsexed Quantity Available 1 Bred By me General Description cute little occie,eating great on small woodies and crix. Location Wagga NSW Willing to Freight? yes at...
  33. Jimmy007

    Female Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis

    Looking for Female Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis. Ages 1 to 3 please. Cheers, James.
  34. Tojo

    Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis Yearling

    Scientific Name Nephrurus Levis Occidentalis Common Name Smooth Knob- tailed Gecko Age 15 mths Sex male Length Quantity Available 1 Bred By Lynfrog General Description Nice male smooth knob tail gecko,good feeder on roaches.Is the only one I have so needsc a...
  35. Saz

    Various reptiles for sale

    Downsizing due to impending overseas holiday 1 pair young adult captive bred Nephrurus levis occidentalis from stunning parents - $450 1 x young male Nephrurus stellatus - $600 1 x pair 5yr old Nephrurus stellatus - $1200 2 x female Eastern blueys - $80 each 2 x male Eastern...
  36. ryanharvey1993

    Nephrurus questions for breeders

    well there are 12 species/subspecies. there is a poll of all the species, have it so nobody can see what you voted for. you can vote for as many of them as you keep. I have left out the common stuff, nephrurus levis levis, nephrurus levis pilbarensis, nephrurus levis occidentalis, nephrurus...
  37. geckodan

    boyds and N. laevissimus for sale or swap

    Scientific Name Hypsiluris boydii/N. laevissimus Common Name Boyds forest dragon/Pale Knob Tail Age Boyds -1-2 months - unsexed laevissimus - 2 years - both males Length 10-15 cm Quantity Available 2 of each General Description feeding well on crickets Price...
  38. ryanharvey1993

    some recent additions

    just a few pics of my newest addditions, a pair of Antaresia Maculosa and a pair of broome locale Antaresia stimsoni thanks to ANTARESIA1, also some shots of my pair of Underwoodisaurus milii. also picking up a pair of Nephrurus levis pilbarensis and a pair of orange Pogona vitticeps from the...
  39. mrmikk

    WTB nephurus occidentalis

    WTB nephurus occidentalis, preferably a pair and buyer located in Qld, Brisbane are, don't won't to freight. Thanks and Merry Christmas
  40. mpeel

    Western smooth knob-tailed gecko

    hi all i was looking to maby get a Western smooth knob-tailed gecko and was woundoring what everyone thinks about it i have been keeping snakes for two ish years iv kept bredli pythons prosipine pythons and iv curently got a scrub and an olive python witch im very happy with but i want to move...
  41. moloch05

    Western Australa 2 -- Kalbarri part 1

    Kalbarri National Park was the second stop on our trip to the west. This park is about a 7 hour drive north of Perth and it is one of my favourite places in Western Australia. The park is in the heart of the wild flower country and it has an incredibly rich flora. I will be posting many...
  42. G

    NSW species code for Nephrurus levis occidentalis?

    hi there, I am after the species code for the western knob tailed Gecko, Nephrurus levis occidentalis as I need it for an import permit. I rung the NSW Wildlife Licensing and management unit and they did not know the code as they claimed that none have been brought into NSW by way of a permit...
  43. H

    Need some advise.... Geckos

    Hello i am looking at getting a gecko. I am totally new to reptiles and have wanted one for ages. I would like to know what are some species of geckos that are easy to look after? What kind of cage/setup i would need for keeping one? What prices would i be looking at? Holmesy
  44. sam_87

    WTB rough knob tail geckos

    Im looking to buy knob tails of any sort, In particular nephrurus amyae and/or nephrurus asper. also nephrurus levis occidentalis, nephrurus levis levis. PM me if you have or know of any being available, thanks sam, Sydney
  45. Ersatz


    I know some people know me already, but not many do. And since I think I'm going to be here for a long time (it is hella addictive) I thought I might as-well properly introduce myself. I don't think many of you will stalk me, and I may even meet a few of you. I'm 17, male and from Sydney (You...
  46. eipper

    Your favorite pics of the year so far

    Hi all, Just a thought....why not a thread of everyones favorite pics they have taken for the year (limit to 2 per person) and please specifiy whether captive or wild. (got the idea from another US based forum) first one is captive... the second is wild Cheers, Scott
  47. Saz

    WANTED - trade for young male amyae

    Looking to trade for a young male amyae. I have the following on offer as a possible trade: Two of last season's holdback hatchling Nephrurus levis occidentalis from exceptional parents Male Oedura marmorata (top end form) Male Strophurus ciliaris ciliaris (Katherine form) Hatchling...
  48. Ramsayi

    Knob tailed geckos

    Scientific Name-Nephrurus levis occidentalis Common Name-Smooth knobtailed geckos (W.A. form) Age-juvs Sex-both Quantity Available-2 pairs Bred By-me General Description-Last seasons young from second generation captive bred,colouring up nicely...
  49. JasonL

    Cheap herps at the AHS Auction!!

    The annual AHS auction was held last night, this year there were plenty of herps donated by generous keepers, and boy didn't some of them go cheap!!!! Some of the herps that went up were Coastal Carpets, a Darwin Childrens, Turtles, Blueys, Sand Swimmers, Stone Geckoes, Northern Spiny's, Adult...
  50. PremierPythons

    Young Gecko Pics

    While I was feeding/cleaning the geckos tonight I managed to take a couple of pics. Most of my gex are adults apart from some Nephrurus asper & Nephrurus levis occidentalis... Here's a pic of one of each! The asper's eye is starting to turn a lovely lilac and the occy is developing an...