thanks for the helpful tips, the greens were meant to keep the crickets from eating the hatchy, but since eating is 4-5 days away ive taken them out and i'll try again then. 
and hes now on sand, dry sand, thin at the heaty end, thicker at the cool end, should i mist him morning and night for moisture? or make a wet patch on the warm end?
also, will being able to see his parents freak him out? he doesnt seem to be reacting to them.
lol, heres some pics of the new and improved cricket free tub!
, and yeah the other egg did look like it was good, just hoping the poor little thing isnt squashed with how caved in the egg is that he gets trapped,...
and hes now on sand, dry sand, thin at the heaty end, thicker at the cool end, should i mist him morning and night for moisture? or make a wet patch on the warm end?
also, will being able to see his parents freak him out? he doesnt seem to be reacting to them.
lol, heres some pics of the new and improved cricket free tub!