amyae hatching

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thanks for the helpful tips, the greens were meant to keep the crickets from eating the hatchy, but since eating is 4-5 days away ive taken them out and i'll try again then. :)

and hes now on sand, dry sand, thin at the heaty end, thicker at the cool end, should i mist him morning and night for moisture? or make a wet patch on the warm end?

also, will being able to see his parents freak him out? he doesnt seem to be reacting to them.

lol, heres some pics of the new and improved cricket free tub! :p, and yeah the other egg did look like it was good, just hoping the poor little thing isnt squashed with how caved in the egg is that he gets trapped,...


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I personally wouldn't have them in the same enclosure as the adults. As the adult will freak the poor little guy out, even through the tub.
no worries, i'll move him into an empty enclosure when i get home. :p

i found all the adults gathered around his tub this morning looking in intently while the cute little bugger strutted his stuff,...!! (didnt look stressed or i would have moved him straight away,...but i will move him tonight just incase)

---------- Post added 10-Jan-11 at 02:35 AM ----------

oh, do u have any thoughts on the very dented egg, could it possibly be pinning hin down or should he be able to wriggle free it hes alive and healthy?
bluewater, the parents turn 3 on the first of april and may somewhere in the middle, (have exact dates somewhere)

looking at baby vs parents they get a bit lighter but its not a colour change like a beardy growing up or anything.

i cut the other egg open last night and pulled the shell back, theres a tiny fully formed baby stuck to the bottom encased in a thin membrane, its leg appears to be stuck to its tummy and i think its dead. (there was a funny smell, but that could have been from the hatched egg that still has gunk,..i forgot to remove that i was so excited about the baby that hatched)
the baby isnt moving at all though, i'll give it till tommorrow but have no hope for it whatsoever,...

i do have another pair that were laid on the 1st of december tho, hopefully they'll both hatch,....neither of them have dinted yet and theyre at the point of time the current bad egg started turning into a stepped on football,...
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