Hi everyone, so this is my first post here and I was just looking for some advice with my first clutch of bearded dragon eggs that are bound to hatch in the coming days. I currently have the clutch of 11 eggs (8 healthy) sitting inside a sealed container with a substrate of a 1:1 mix of vermiculite and water, with the container placed inside of a Repta Incubator sitting at 28.5°C . They are currently sitting at 60 days old today and are showing signs of hatching soon. So getting to the real question here, as they start to hatch, is it recommended to remove the lid of the container they're sitting in or the lid of the incubator? The incubator is quite shallow and I feel as though if I took the lid off, they would lose too much heat and get too cold? I have attached some pictures of the incubator and container with this post. I would love any and all advice/suggestions. Thank you!
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