What will happen to the pure ones if the craze of these pure animals is over and everyone wants the mutts / hybrids? The poor buggers end up unwanted and we all know what happens to unwanted pets.
Just choked on my lunch reading this gem.
What will happen to the pure ones if the craze of these pure animals is over and everyone wants the mutts / hybrids? The poor buggers end up unwanted and we all know what happens to unwanted pets.
What will happen to the pure ones if the craze of these pure animals is over and everyone wants the mutts / hybrids? The poor buggers end up unwanted and we all know what happens to unwanted pets.
This is what i really like about the long time members of this forum...there ability to accept when they are wrong and state it publicly +++++ to cement........................Ron
Hi Ron, thats great that you noticed mate and I do thank you for your kind words, but.....
I honestly don't atribute my personality in any way to being a long term member of this forum, ive arrived at who I am through very, very differnt means.
Cheers though, all the best.
Not sure if srs. Most people end up coming back to the pure animals within the pet industry, what do you think happens to unwanted mixes? I don't know how much experience you have, but watching how the pet industry works, this is what happens.
Haha. @Wokka and @pythoninfinite. I was just stirring really. The whole point of the comment was to show that there is always someone who has a different or 'minority' opinion, even if you think that isn't the case.
I don't agree with hybrids, etc, but at the same time, I already proposed a method by which keepers could do what they want while keeping myself an others like me happy. But it was pointed out that it would be too hard to implement (and I do agree) because people are selfish and useless at following rules or doing anything other than what they damn well please. Most are ***** really, but the world sure would be a boring place if everyone was reasonable and responsible. ;-)
As for pointing out what I had written Jamie, thanks, but I'm the one who wrote it after all, so I'm well aware of what it said. Every one of my sentences had 'I' in it so I fully accept that it was my opinion. However the very fact that I had a differing opinion to Wokka's statement proves my statement. He didn't believe it was important to anyone that a snake was native. I proved him wrong as a living breathing example. Cant deny that.
You must have taken my post the wrong way Wokka. I don't deny discussion can be beneficial. What I deny is that its correct to assume, based solely on what you personally feel, that an idea or way of thinking is or isn't held by others.
Sometimes letting others have their way isn't in the best interests of anyone or anything other than those few, however. The world can't just be a free for all.
I agree that being native is a driver for keeping snakes.(for some keepers). I should have written that i don't think being native is a significant driver for the whole hobby of keeping snakes.Wokka said:
"I don't think being native is a driver for keeping snakes."
I was simply stating that this is in fact the case, as its a driver for myself and I would suppose, @Newhere also, as they brought up the issue to begin with. I would assume there are others that feel this way also, although I can't speak for them obviously.
But I agree whole heartedly with the rest of your post.
Also some people just respect the animals for what they are and as they are and see no need for them to be changed by humans.
Some, maybe, but extremely few. The majority of people would prefer an albino snake or blindingly yellow and black Jungle more striking than anything you can find in the wild. Even the locality purist enthusiasts like myself would prefer the best looking individual rather than a typical example of a wild animal, and surely we'd all prefer an enthusiastic mouse feeder to something which wants to start on skinks. Virtually all of us would like to change the animals to make them better suited to captivity, whether or not that involves crossing localities/taxa.
I'm sure if you hatched a bright blue Carpet Python with green polka dots you'd be pretty thrilled.