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But in all honesty, anyone & everyone in this hobby with a bit of knowledge that I have had the time to sit down, have a bourbon & a conversation with deserves my thanks. I do have my favourites & those I really appreciate, most of whom are the big names in the hobby but to name them all would take too long

J&C reptiles for not naming me :)
Brian Bush helped me out heaps back in the old days, He is still a good mate. Cheers to Brad Maryan as well. These 2 herpers are still icons of W.A herpetology and are true, unsung heros.
P.S - no-one tell em I said that.

**** mate, I already did! Homer says "turn ya frame around and get out of here, westy" :)
Firstly, I'd like to thank Eve for the apple. Without which I wouldnt have met the snake.
Ah very true!

Afro you have lost the plot! PMSL
My aspirations came from books - Durrell, Attenborough, Cogger, Gow.

And first hand info and experience from:

Peter Gadd, Terry Boylan, Chris Dorrian, Matthew Milgate, Marshall Black and Paul Kirk.


africancichlidau said:
That bloke wot runs the Herp Shop, what's his name? Barry or sumfing :)

That would be Brain right ;-)

(It is amazing how often Brian gets this typo.)
Thanks heaps to all those of you who are taking this thread seriously and taking the time to answer sensibly and honestly..... your replies are all very interesting and I hope they keep coming in :)
I would like to thank a victorian breeder from up in the yarra ranges. Ten years ago I bought my 2nd ever python off him and at the time had not much of an idea what i was doing with my 1st. He has a wealth of experience and is always happy to share it and educate people from newbies to long time herpers. I think the best part is he has no ego , just a passion for pythons. Over the years I have bought heaps of snakes off him and picking up these snakes from his house in the early days is where i learnt most of what i know now. I have probably picked his brain for hours over the years and want to thank him for his patience and willingness to help.
I'd have to thank Mike.B. first of all for getting me interested in keeping snakes.Without the help of a QPWS Ranger "R.J." I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have,she still helps me where she can today.The bloke that Kersten mentioned and his wife that "I WON'T" name........40years....that's sooooo long.He has helped me out so much aver the years and saved one of my olives that was on deaths door, Kersten and I are very thankful to you both. Id like to mention Davo, thanks for my first elapid and for introducing me to Kersten.

Kersten, thanks for putting up with me and my babies....the numerous times late at night when I say "Im just going down to the snake room for a sec....won't be long" and going back upstairs to find that a couple of hours have past.
I'd like to thank anyone who has taken the time to have a brief discussion and answer my questions regarding this hobby.

Oh, and I thank Indicus for producing the beautiful little Hypo Bredli I have in my mitts :)
Keep them coming guys and gals.... it is so interesting..

Most of us have heard of a lot of Australias *Herp Legends* from the past.
But do you ever stop and wonder who amongst us all will be tomorrows *Legends* ?

There are a lot of highly probable candidates around us.... but do we really appreciate their input at the moment?...

Just remember... it takes so little time and can mean a lot to those around you if you remember to
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my bank manager, without his help I would not able to have some cash to buy my set up and animals in my collection :) did I hear someone mentioned "credit" :D

well id like to thank anyone who has taken the time to answer my questions
and everyone else for asking questions so that i could gain more knowledge when people helped out and answered them

but in particular id like to thank 2 people peterjohnson64, and TrueBlue for putting in just that bit extra time

harry butler when i was a kid,,mike and mal leyland(not really herpers but instilled the love of nature and travel ',nature walkabout' a tv show..eric worrel when i met him as a young fella it changed my life..cogger..irwin, yes irwin,,brian barnet.....
Greebo said:
I would like to thank Serpenttounge on behalf of APS members. He has always been patient with questions asked by people new to the hobby and his advice is always spot on. He never boasts about his expertise (like some members) but always has a kind word for beginners.

Who, lil ol' me? :)

The first person who was an influence on me was an old neighbour of mine back in the early/mid 1980's. He would take his son and myself to many great places catching blueys and Water dragons. He could talk anyone into letting us go on their land and catch whatever we could find. While my parents were talking me out of liking reptiles, he was encouraging me to keep them. He built cages and showed me how to keep reptiles until he died of Luekaemia in the late 1980's.

After that i was influenced mainly by books from Eric Worrell, Harry Frauca, Harry Butler, Graeme Gow, John Weigel, Hal Cogger and more recently Raymond Hoser, Rick Shine and Dave Barker.

In 1996/1997 i did volunteer work at Taronga Zoos Serpentaria and was influenced by Matthew Milgate, Chris Dorrian and Dion Hobcroft.

I have also been very influenced by and feel very fortunate to know Stuart Barnes and hope that one day i might be in his league.

From this site, Garth from GARTHNFAY is a herper i respect and look up to. OuZo and Soulweaver have been really good to me and have been kind enough to offer their help when i have been stuck. Unfortunately due to being incredibly shy i havent met many from this site but i really look up to guys like, Zulu, NCHERPS, Hugsta, True Blue, Splitmore, PilbaraPythons, Bigguy etc and absorb everything they write.
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