Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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My heroes have always been Phil and Greebo a.k.a Gunshy a.k.a Dave.
They've helped me lots of times here with their witty repartee and I know that deep down they really,really like me.
Phil makes pretty good coffee and is a good host to us northerners.

Cheers, Greg.
I have to say that John Cann got me first really facinated by herps with his Herp Show at la perouse Sydney. I watched 3 shows in a row :) awesome!!!! I often go there when I can and admire his amazing animals. I also purchased a turtle from him :) I would have to thank Instar when i first joined this sight he was always helpful with any questions about my beardies. Where are you Instar????? havent seen him online for a while. I also have to mention Rob Bredl and his docos, and I know a lot of you will hate me for this but Steve irwin and his "enthusiasm" for reptiles facinated me when I was younger :)
ha ha, mate , im to much of a numnuts to be anyones hero. ( "as he flys of in the distance at the seed of sound").
I guess mine would be Gerald Durrell, he didn't start my interest in reptiles but he certainly added to it with his inspiring adventures.
My patient father who fostered my love of reptiles, built me a reptile pit in the back yard and took me on collecting trips when I was a young boy (many years ago). Eric Worrel who was my hero as a child. John Cann and Gerry Swan. Also all the knowledgeable people who contribute their ideas on this site - keep up the good work guys!
To be honest, I have had too many people to list give me help over the years and continue to to this day. But as a kid growing up I had and intense facination with herps and sharks. My first hands on experience with reptiles was when I was about 7 or 8, too long ago to remember exactly, but my old man took me a guy in Top Ryde, NSW, who used to own a gun shop there. His name was Lee, not sure of his last, but, too my lack of knowledge and over excitement of holding a snake, I freehandled my very first elapid, a RBB, he also said I could have it which had me leaping over the moon. Unfortunately, my old man almost killed him for letting free handle a venomous snake and that ended that. He also had a few other herps and I wondered why he wouldn't let me handle his death adder.....I was only young...LOL But from that day on I have been addicted to them. I wish I new where he went, as I would love to thank him for that one off experience that has lasted a lifetime.
Some guy that i bought my snake enclosure off, i dont know his name but he was nice and made me hold his skittish bitey snake who wasn't skittish or bitey around me. Also the people on here because i read some of the q's people have written and am in awe by the fabulous responses, even though i haven't asked a lot yet (and for sure i will) i have already learnt so much from reading through many posts in the quiet times at work. Thanks all of you for being so patient with us newbies because it lets us know if we have a problem we have a soft place to land in asking one of you.
"Where are you Instar????? havent seen him online for a while"

Left here mate, has his own forum now..
boa said:
I guess mine would be Gerald Durrell, he didn't start my interest in reptiles but he certainly added to it with his inspiring adventures.

Agree 100%. He was an icon.

Very sad day for the wildlife of the world when he passed away.


Dont thank me, I'm only repeating what I've learned here. As herps were illegal for most of my keeping life there hasn't been much support around until I discovered the internet. Back to the start though, and I would ahve to thank Greg Tomes (he's the guy in Parkside Drive Srrpenttongue) and his mum because that is where I kept all my herps until I was about 18 years old.

I have learned more in the 7 months I have been active in this site that I knew from keeping herps since about 1976. so I guess I owe my biggest thanks to Slatey. If it wasn't for him I owuldn't know the likes of (I started typing a list of names but I know I will forget someone if I do that and that would be a shame - you all know who you are)
I would like to thank Serpenttounge on behalf of APS members. He has always been patient with questions asked by people new to the hobby and his advice is always spot on. He never boasts about his expertise (like some members) but always has a kind word for beginners.

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