Yes this thread only pertains to NSW keepers but the online thing may catch on in other states as well
I have never heard of the yearly lodgement form. I am a old fa-t and computers dont like me spelling and english not much better. But i give it a go. I am hopeing you are going to say it only happens in NSW couse i have never done it or known i had to.
I hope not. We don't have to submit annual returns at all.
But Michael you have to do some sort of paperwork at some point, right? Surely it would be easier if you could do it online...
I too would like to know thisdoes anyone know how to bring forward your balance from last year, I can add all my breed and aquired animals but cannot bring forward my adults and such from last year, so my total on hand reads correct
Shame on NSW government for discriminating and profiteering.