Thing that tickles me most really is than human development destroys more of the natural world than anything else. whole ecosystems are 'bought' and dissappear under suburbs and roads and resorts everyday, you cant ban the spread of greedy humanity, the problem is immense, absolutly immeasurable.
So you cant deal with the real problem, cause and effect, so just target a few softspots that will make sense to those who dont bother lookin at the big picture and it will look as if your doing something and keep the votes comin in.
Meanwhile the wheels of multi $$ bil industry keep churning on their unceasing journey towards a concrete globe.
Bulldoze, mine, logout an entire forest the size of vic and create human habitat, your awarded a nobel for humanitarianism, want to import a chamelian your a selfish, egotistical, ecoterrorist B*****D!
Go figure!
Please read what I wrote in context. I didn't say the "herp community" I was clearly referring to individuals.
sure Jeff?
Why can't some of you guys and gals simply accept that you have a huge selection of native reptiles to satisfy your selfish needs. Too many people couldn't give a ...... (insect catcher) or a rats .... about the animals or conserving nature or natural ecosystems - you just have to have something different to satisfy your own ego
Sounds like the herp community to me mate. :wink:
Talk about reptile security and "they won't escape". What naive nonsence. Why should it be expected that exotics won't escape when there are literally hundreds of escaped natives picked up in suburbia throughout Australia every year
Couldnt that said about zoo's too? escape or theft and you have the same 'risks' no?
To say "There isn't much to conserve left!" is just plain ignorant, and I know you aren't ignorant, mate.
Aw shucks! yeah ok that was blanket statement that dint do me justice, but you know what I meant. sure theres a few national parks, but for how long, eventually even they will be gone under concrete, or shrunken to tiny allotments sadly. I never said go out and plant a gravid exotic where ever ya go, just that stopping the little man keeping an exotic at home is a bandaid at best. :wink: