Thanks Br3nton. Mate i wont be here to see any of them be laid (GTP eggs that is) im going away this friday for 3 weeks. Never gone away before and left the snakes to be looked after by anyone else. Lucky i know 2 people that are willing to help me out and get them into the incubator once laid.
I will be back in time for the childrens and womas.
You will have to put some photos here after the prelay sheds. A heavily gravid woma looks like a balloon about to pop!Looking good pythonmum!!The two girls who have ovulated have now gone milky and the big WA girl is looking really lumpy.
Pics from this morning. Iphone pic's normally are good but not today.
Two Het Axanthic/Calico girls ovulating.
Two Het Axanthic/Calico girls ovulating.