I don't want my own children, but I've been thinking for a while that one day I'd like to adopt a little African American child. There are plenty of people in the world, the population isn't in danger, but there are plenty of children who don't have a home that need one. This isn't something I'd do for another 10 years or so, I'd make sure I was in a position where I could look after a child first, it isn't fair to bring a child into a place where they can't be looked after properly because you can't afford it.
What I don't understand is why so many people don't like it when you say you don't want your own children.Why does it matter to them? I've had a few people stupidly try to argue with me about this, and they didn't win. One lady tried to use emotional blackmail to force me to change my mind by saying " Oh but you can't do that to your mother, she wants to have Grandchildren!" My mother was standing there and said to this lady "How do you know? I don't care if she doesn't have kids, if she doesn't have them I don't have to babysit them." I'm glad my mother accepts that I don't want my own kids, I'd hate to live wit a family member who was trying to make me change my mind all the time. What some people don't realise is that the more they try to force me to do something the less likely it is that I will.
Other people try the old 'when you meet the right man' thing. My reply is always the right man is one that feels the same way I do. A relationship where two people have different ideas about such a serious issue won't work if neither of them change their mind. I have 3 neurological disorders, some of which could be passed to a child, and I don't want that. I also have trouble being around screaming children, it gets me in a nasty mood very quickly (thanks a lot ADD).