HELP ackie leg not moving

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Not so new Member
Jan 22, 2009
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hey. my ackies leg is not moving at all its his front left. he has no movement in it at all it looks at little swollen. could it be broke or maybe out of it socket i really have no clue??

pls help cheers cam
Not too sure about monitors but in dragons in-sufficient calcium and UV can cause metabolic bone disease resulting in deformed limbs. Certainly no expert on monitors but just throwing it out there!
dont think it would be that always have uv and dusted crix... these guys are only 3 months old... if i left him could it go all good or can he live on with one leg not working>?
At that age and with dusted crickets etc etc MBD shouldn't be a prob. Lizards can certainly live their lives lacking a limb with little hinderance in captivity. Though if I were you I would get it checked by a professional. Is it in pain? Or if the leg is knocked is it in any pain? My only suggestion is a vet!!!
Is it on it's own or with others? if with others it may have been bitten
Extending on spongebob's question is there any damaged scales around the problem area suggesting a bite or similar injury?
yer they were housed together (raised together) only during feeeding sometime one got a little bitty. thats what im thinking it has been bitten. he can use the top part of his leg but not his claw. doesn't seem to be in pain i can touch it doesn't bother him still gets around. have just split there cage up for the mean time... might start to house them separately now on.. pics well all it is is his arm is limp ( just doesnt want to use it)

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