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He did look in his mouth, however there were no real signs of anything, maybe bhps are harder to spot for RI. I just rang the vet and apparently he is fighting an infection, what is infected I am not sure of as it was over the phone to the assistent. I'll find out at 630pm so thankful I didn't blow all my money on christmas presents last night... I do know I am going to get a vial and a needle and will have to inject him with anti biotics every 3 days... when I get a definitive answer I will post it here, fingers crossed the treatment will work.
Thanks guys. So the vet doesn't know where the infection is but he said it's not uncommon at this time of the year (spring/summer) for this to happen, he said pretty much whenever a snake is ill it will stop using it's tongue, so while I didn't get very specific details, I did get antibiotics to inject every 3 days, so hopefully tigger picks up. (he did rule out RI though)
Hope all turns out well keep us posted with updates. My BHP has his tongue out all the time it must
be weird for them not to be able to use it.
I have heard of lotsa "snake infections" but total loss of tongue use is new to me.
Can someone tell me if this is common?
Mine used to have is out all the time as well, it's monday now and he's had 2 injections of antibiotics, no change yet. He's also about to shed, any moment really.Just waiting for the magic moment when his tongue pops out.
Poor thing. What a shame the vet doesn't really seem to know what is going on. I hope he gets better soon. Do you think there may have been something wrong with him when he regurgitated the rat?
He seems healthy, I know the day he was fed.. right outside my window which is where the tanks sit.. inside. I was putting vension blind up, so I was using a hammer drill on the bricks outside, that's the only thing I can think off that would stress him enough to regurgatate, rat wasn't really digeseted at all from what I could see. I did notice last night a very small what could be a mite on him, can mites cause a snake to feel ill or stop using the tongue? He did eat today, first things he has eaten since he stopped using his togue I assume him taking interest in food is a good sign... still giving him anti biotics but still his tongue is not poking out.. I took a look in his mouth as well I noticed red in the roof of his mouth running in a U shape in conjuction to the shape of his head, you can notice his throat swell for a second everytime he tries to use his tongue.
Heya guys, so my snake is displaying unusual behaviour now, he is borrowing under his kitty litter, under the lights and he is highly active but no tongue...
im pretty sure bhp's burrow kinda like womas so id say thats nothing to worry about but someone correct me if its wrong
Burrowing behaviour is normal.

Hopefully only a matter of time befor the tongue becomes active. The snake is likely to become active before the infection is totally cleared.

I know where this is another vet, I'll take him there soon.
There is a point to looking in his mouth. I do know where the tongue sits and I have been having a look each day. so if I find any changes I can tell the vet, the more info the better. MY BHP doesn't get defensive, very calm, doesn't overly stress. I really posted here to see who else has had the problem so they could share with me what they know about it, so far.. no luck. He will go to the vet, but it would be nice to know how you guys keep yours. Have you ever had this problem Elizabeth?


I have been incredibly lucky all of mine are mad tongue flickers, I havent had any health problems at all, one of mine I think might has ben going to have a bad shed due to the change in the weather and I was so lucky I was around doing housework and I noticed him rubbing his neck and all his skin looked sort of dry and jagged. So i squirted him with water and he sat for a bit and the water softened all his skin and he was fine. it is the closest I have come to anything going wrong.
update. The tongue is flicking, however I it looks for like he's flicking a dog tongue as in I can't see forks, could they be fused or missing? with the tongue flicking has come the mucus people talk about, maybe it was blocked and now the antibiotics are working? too late to call vet today so I thought I'd share
Glad to read the tongue is flicking again :) lets hope the forks are just a little bit stuck together from his tongue being stuck in his mouth for that amount of time. I hope you will see his tongue come back to normal shape soon.
Hey Guys,
I tried really hard to take a clear picture of his tongue however my camera just doesn't have the frame rate to do so, so I have recorded him flicking his tongue. Back when I started this thread I had said he had regurgitated a rat and I attributed that to me using a hammer drill outside my window (I have a window that starts at the floor and almost reaches the ceiling). I was put up a venison blind and at that point in time my enclosures were in front of my window (never in direct sunlight though). He is showing "froth" with the rebirth of the tongue, so could it be that he has a respiratory infection and a damaged tongue due to the regurgitated rat? here is the video of how his tongue looks now. (he is on his second dose of anti-biotic) 0.2ml every 3 days his next needle will be his eighth.

Tigger's Tongue - YouTube
Sounds like an RI from the way your describing it, nothing certain. Didnt the vet already give you AB's? How are they going? Dont forget to finish the cycle even if the symptoms clear. As for the tongue, it may have been damaged with the regurge..But is more likely the forks stuck together due to the infection. Im just going on what your saying, so having a vet look at it is the way to go...
Obviously a nasty infection, whatever it was and he still hasn’t fully recovered, so it is too early to suspect tongue damage, which I very much doubt anyway. Try allowing him access to water to dilute any thick, sticky mucous.

A tip for any future such video, use white card, like out of a shirt box, or butcher’s paper as a background.

Just keep up the good work and be a little patient and I am sure all will be fine.

Don't worry, I don't plan on stopping the anti-biotic till it's all gone. :).. I will do another videos so it's much clearer
Good luck, Hope he makes a full recovery!! I've learnt a lot from the information on this thread so I would like to say thanks to everyone's replies and the info given..
Nice to see no nasty comments either :)
Hey Guys,
So an update, Tigger (BHP) is flicking his tongue and eating well now, however he spends more time under the heat globes these days or digging under his kitty litter, both of which are not usual for him. He usually spends most of his time curled up in his hide above the kitty litter, I will be ringing the vet again tomorrow to get another check-up. His cage temps are set to full so about 40 hot end 27 cool end.
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