inland with raised scales

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hey guys just a up date i spoke to a big reptile dude and he said not mite, not burns, but didnt really no wat it was either but i clean his tank out soaked all the stuff in there and just washing him with salt water and benadine eva nite and its goin great guns looking heaps better only a lil bit of pink on his belly with a lil more treatment it sholud clear up nicely all scales back to normal so im heaps happy now that things r looking up thank u to eva one that put there info and hope no one else has this problem thanks
blister disease

it sounds like blister disease treat with benadine solution and with next shed should be better keep up with baths until all open wounds have healed keep enclosure especially clean very important with open wounds this can quite often happen with in conjuntion of other underlying health issues (chest infection)keep an eye on things and take to vet if not sure regards mick
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