hrmm... Experienced Breeders...
Are we talking the breeders that are in it for the money and feel the odd eaten snake is an acceptable loss given that they could squeeze twice as many animals into the same area by pairing them in a cage all year round ?
Or the ones that keep their snakes separate, then place the chosen pairs for that season together, to monitor the breeding and separate them again when the breeding has run it's course, thus allowing the female the peace and quiet of it's own solitary home, for the duration of her gravid term, to choose her warm and cool spots without argument and to not have to compete for the laying box with another snake that found it snuggly ?
I am breeding snakes. Should I, just because I have bred snakes/am breeding snakes and sold offpring, be called an 'Experienced Breeder' ? I keep snakes together for this purpose, but I certainly don't think that to do so equals no risk.
I monitor the behaviour of the snakes before pairing them and the behaviour as I place them together and I keep a very close eye on them during. Not just for the risk factor, but for the breeding behaviour too. Anyone that cares about their animals health and offspring to come, will be monitoring them closely.
You can decide if I fit your description, but be warned, I don't advocate keeping snakes together all year round.
How many of the people here that have said, 'No, not safe' are to be considered Experienced Breeders ?
Who is to say which is right or wrong ? Either way, to use the term 'Experienced Breeders' really doesn't define much at all and to use that 'theory' certainly won't help you with the answer.