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Not so new Member
Feb 26, 2008
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hi all i have a bearded dragon a couple of weeks ago i noticed a small patch on his back which was raised a sort of lump but it would move round with the skin if you touched it ive just been keeping an eye on it because he is still active and eating,but today i noticed it has sort of split open leaving an open sore... any ideas what could have caused this? is there anything i can use that is safe for reptiles to keep infection away? any feedback is appreciated
Betadine Antiseptic spray works well. I had same kinda problem with my jacky dragon he had the lump on his mouth though..
thanks, so the betadine spray is ok for dragons? it wont hurt him?
oh good the photo worked, its not really so much a lump but its like his skin is thicker in that spot and darker in colour, now it split, have been putting betadine on it it doesnt seemed to have changed no better or worse...
oh good the photo worked, its not really so much a lump but its like his skin is thicker in that spot and darker in colour, now it split, have been putting betadine on it it doesnt seemed to have changed no better or worse...

Why you still sitting here when you've been told it needs a vet?
oh the poor little thing,...are u really not taking it to the vet? :(
It doesn't look that bad, though should be put on a course of antibiotics to help prevent septicemia and infection spreading, Betadine is great but there are better things that can be prescribed by a Vet.
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