Man haten snake

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Not so new Member
Mar 14, 2009
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Moranbah, Central QLD
Slight problem!! i have a 15 month old spotted python which is my first snake, i have had him just over 2 months. previous to me buying him he had lived in a pet shop for the last year. The owner of the shop was female and so where the other 3 people that worked there. he was very small when i got him for his age and i was told he was eating 1 pinkie mouse every 7 - 10 days, but after some advice from a fellow snake keeper i changed him to 1 large fuzzy mouse every 5 - 7 days and he has grown heaps and no longer bits due to being hungry. he settled into his enclosure fine is happy out of his cage crawling around, has shed 2 since i have had him and growin almost 20cm in length.

But where my problem starts, he is calm being out of the cage until anyone male walks into the room :evil:, his breathing intensifies he immeditaly goes into an s shape and if close enough he will strike the air . both my partner and dad are freaked out by this so they won't touch him. do snakes know the difference between men and women, and is he just destined to be a female only snake???????? has anyone ever had a snake with a issue with either sex????

i love him but i'd the males in my family to love him to :?

cheers to all who responds
Most likely hes just acting defensive to the large towering objects approaching him and moving about the room, assuming you are holding the snake when it's out right? Probably sees you as just a safe tree like object, give him time and with more handling he should get used to everyone,
i have never heard of that but i have had one of my best handlers freak out once because of a guy that smelt of cigarets
thats really strange. i am of no help to your snake acting that way. but i would try and upsize its food again. try a weaner mouse now
Shows how much knowledge pet shops have in keeping snakes, 15 month old and eating 1 pinkie every 7-10 days is like a human having a 1 celery stick a day.....
only thing i would do is up the food size.
mayb you could get the "men" of the house to take the spotted out of the enclosure.
that way your python may not freak out so much
cover the outside of her cage(making sure you dont hide the air that goes in and out of tank.get some newspaper or somthing and cover the front. let it settle in fr a while
my snake hates my b/f :p any other man hes fine with, but whenever my b/f comes near he goes mental.
i think its coz my b/f is petrified of him and maybe he can tell.
my 15 month old spotted is eatting weaner rats, bout 50g ones. might wanna up his food as soon as ya think hes right to take on the next size.. cant believe they had it on pinky MICE, so mean.
A friend of mine in Hervay Bay has a 2year old coastal that hates all males... I think its the spawn of satan!
My female water python hates males. She was two when I got her I have now had her for five years and she hasn`t calmed down around males. Maybe they have been mistreated by a male at some stage?
my snake hates homo's bit my brother ( piss taking my brother who is indeed a homosexual )

maybe male sput of differant scents?? anyone care to have a stab at it
thanks guys

i'll diffently try uping the food to a bigger size again, last feed i fed him two fuzzy mice just to try and fill him up a bit more, even with the bigger fuzzy mice you can't really see a noticeble bulge in his belly any more.

As for his dislike to anything male (besides himself :evil:) i guess a will just see if in time he grows fonder of the male species. i will get my partner to start feeding him see if that wins him over.. fingers crossed
I have a Diamond that use to bite ever chance she got. She has chilled out now and never bites but she is very active when I hold her and very quite when my hubby holds her. I am sure she can tell diffrent people by our reaction to her, I am still a little nervious as she got me bad a few times including on the face.
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