Not so new Member
Slight problem!! i have a 15 month old spotted python which is my first snake, i have had him just over 2 months. previous to me buying him he had lived in a pet shop for the last year. The owner of the shop was female and so where the other 3 people that worked there. he was very small when i got him for his age and i was told he was eating 1 pinkie mouse every 7 - 10 days, but after some advice from a fellow snake keeper i changed him to 1 large fuzzy mouse every 5 - 7 days and he has grown heaps and no longer bits due to being hungry. he settled into his enclosure fine is happy out of his cage crawling around, has shed 2 since i have had him and growin almost 20cm in length.
But where my problem starts, he is calm being out of the cage until anyone male walks into the room :evil:, his breathing intensifies he immeditaly goes into an s shape and if close enough he will strike the air . both my partner and dad are freaked out by this so they won't touch him. do snakes know the difference between men and women, and is he just destined to be a female only snake???????? has anyone ever had a snake with a issue with either sex????
i love him but i'd the males in my family to love him to :?
cheers to all who responds
But where my problem starts, he is calm being out of the cage until anyone male walks into the room :evil:, his breathing intensifies he immeditaly goes into an s shape and if close enough he will strike the air . both my partner and dad are freaked out by this so they won't touch him. do snakes know the difference between men and women, and is he just destined to be a female only snake???????? has anyone ever had a snake with a issue with either sex????
i love him but i'd the males in my family to love him to :?
cheers to all who responds