Hi Macka, I don't feed mealworms often to any of my geckoes , mostly due to their poor nutritional value (high fat, low calcium, poorly digestible). I have seen even adult gecks get gut impaction from large meals of mealworms but the occasional one won't hurt particularly if you pick out the white freshly moulted ones. I prefer woodies and crickets and that little guy will tackle an adult roach quite easily. Otherwise moths and hoopers from the garden are a good variation to this diet. For adult gecks I still dust with calcium/D3 every second feed. If you have bought quite a few mealworms they store well in the fridge for about 6 weeks if you sieve out most of the bran and leave them in an open topped container (no lid). If you do this, they won't grow bigger than the size you purchased (I buy mini mealworms by preference) ,they don't turn into beetles or pupae (which are both equally edible but not all things will want to eat them) and more importantly rather than buying multiple small tubs you can buy in bulk and save some money.