New ferrets :)

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ash i just put the litter tray in their enclosure and they started using it, but if not basically the same way as a cat, if you see them squat like they are about to pee/poop grab them and put them in the litter tray and use lots of praise and treats. you may need to have a litter tray in each room/area they use as mine have the odd accident where they dont make it

cris i dont play golf either so makes as much sense to me as it does you ;)
Ferrets are mustelids which are weasels so a ferret is a weasel and it cant weasel its way out of its family.
Ferrets are related to polecats, skunks, weasles and otters :) and they are very inteligent. you can teach them tricks, they learn the sound of your voice, when its treat time, no, stuff like that :) smarted then a cockie. lol

---------- Post added 09-Jan-11 at 12:32 AM ----------

Cool, but i wouldnt use an iron on a weasel, in that case wouldnt the kitten be below par? :lol: (i dont play golf im hoping that makes sense?)
fail. :p

---------- Post added 09-Jan-11 at 01:08 AM ----------

OMG! im so proud of Mishka! she pooped in the tray :) with my help. lol
congrats on your new additions they are cute and its good to hear you are getting them desexed .

Anyone looking at getting a ferret should contact their local ferret shelter in their state except Qld and Nt. This is the season where they they have huge numbers of ferrets being dumped or left at shelters , they assess ferrets temperaments and personalities and will match them to the potential owner experience and preferences.

This is also breeding season, so definitely dont buy from unscrupulous breeders and there are many out there , who breed them in huge numbers and dont feed them the correct diet or handle them at all, all you end up getting is a ferret that is bitey and often have health issues .
thanks sarah :) marley is a little shat that LOVES to play. mishka just likes to get tickled

---------- Post added 10-Jan-11 at 02:09 PM ----------

well, they just had there first bath! they could pass as a toilet brush at the minute :p :p :p
No offence intended but I really don't think taking on another two animals is a good idea when you are struggling to give adequate attention to those you already own:

Animals are a long-term commitment and you should never purchase unless you are willing to devote the necessary time and attention. Once the novelty wears off, the time, care and attention your animals deserve still needs to be provided.
um, melissa, ollie has stopped his screaming now, and hes getting alot more attention than he was, and i dont commit to animals unless i KNOW i can take care of them. and i damn well know they are a long time commitment. that is just uncalled for, you dont really know me and whats going on at my house.
indoors :) im not gonna go take a pic atm coz inm having lunch and i needa clean their cage, lol. only downside is you gotta clean it every day! lol thank god newspapers are cheap
Oh really? I'm just going on what YOU told me yourself. You openly admitted that you neglected your bird for weeks. Things happen in life, and I understand that. However, a couple of weeks ago you were saying that you had "mental issues" and that you were busy "sorting out" your life and as a result, you had not been able to spend any time with your bird for weeks, moved its cage away from you because it began screeching etc. You even punished it! Your bird was/is suffering.

I don't intent to be overly harsh here and you know I tried to help you with your bird, but I find it difficult to believe that you have managed to sort out your life, overcome your "mental issues," and stop your bird's screaming behaviour in only a couple of weeks. With the new ferrets, time is even less available for you to spend with your existing animals, and I know of at least one that is in desperate need of it.

You "damn well" know that they are a long-term commitment? You were considering selling your bird because it was screaming for your attention. You then ignored it and moved its cage away.

I just don't think you need any more on your plate until you're sorted to be honest. Again, I do not mean to be hurtful or rude, but I don't like when people take on animals but only provide proper care when it suits them. You're quite young, and you seem impulsive. I just hope your animals don't suffer any further.
hell no, i'm not sorted out, and the ferrets sleep most of the day, and when they aren't out, ollie is, and they aren't suffering :S and i haven't bought an animal on impulse, yeah you might be older and look down on me, but im not stupid, anywho enough of this crap, it has been sorted and everything is good with our zoo. if anyone has any ferret photos feel free to post them :D

---------- Post added 13-Jan-11 at 02:37 PM ----------

You "damn well" know that they are a long-term commitment? You were considering selling your bird because it was screaming for your attention. You then ignored it and moved its cage away.
i would never sell him, never in my life. i wasn't even considering it, i was saying it as sort of a joke. i dont care if you dont believe me but there is no way in hell i'd sell him.
Yes litter cleaned out daily. Have you got blankets on bottom of cage for them to rug up in? They LOVE blankets. If you cover the bottom in blankets and a litter tray in a corner, i have found they don't like "pooping" on there blankets. So they will go toilet in litter tray. Even thought they are litter trained, they will still try if they no they can! Its part of scenting.
not down the bottom, because thats where they eat, they have a bag i made, a hammock, bell balls, a few toys and im making some more stuff next week when i get more material :D
Do you mind me asking how big there cage is. Do you have shelves in there for them to climb up? I just hope its not a cage you were advised to buy for ferrets, but ended up being a one level cube which is the worst thing for a ferret. They will go dead set mad. I advise a blanket..Keeps them cosy..You will be suprised how much a ferret loves a blanket. Also, if you havent looked yet take a look at and go to ferret shop. My 3 girls get around 6 new hammocks a year, new toys to hide in, such as sleeping sacks and crinkle bags.
They cover odors, litter training such as corner deterant springs. The site is incredible. Its very easy to go overboard at the store.
Here ya go ash here's some pics of my pair, Seek and Destroy



And some pics of their enclosure that i am in the process of finishing off, its 4' x 4' x 2', i still need to get some more ply to make some in-between platforms and most of their toys arent in there yet. Am also going to add a "burrow" under the middle level, 150mm down pipe and elbows in a loop with an entry from the top and exit out a vertical pipe to the bottom



Nice asharee133, I have two girls in the cage you are getting (i also bought it from ebay last xmas) You wont go wrong with that cage. Your fuzzies will love you for it! Theres heaps of spaces to hang hammocks and tubes in it. You made a very good choice.
Oh really? I'm just going on what YOU told me yourself. You openly admitted that you neglected your bird for weeks. Things happen in life, and I understand that. However, a couple of weeks ago you were saying that you had "mental issues" and that you were busy "sorting out" your life and as a result, you had not been able to spend any time with your bird for weeks, moved its cage away from you because it began screeching etc. You even punished it! Your bird was/is suffering.

I don't intent to be overly harsh here and you know I tried to help you with your bird, but I find it difficult to believe that you have managed to sort out your life, overcome your "mental issues," and stop your bird's screaming behaviour in only a couple of weeks. With the new ferrets, time is even less available for you to spend with your existing animals, and I know of at least one that is in desperate need of it.

You "damn well" know that they are a long-term commitment? You were considering selling your bird because it was screaming for your attention. You then ignored it and moved its cage away.

I just don't think you need any more on your plate until you're sorted to be honest. Again, I do not mean to be hurtful or rude, but I don't like when people take on animals but only provide proper care when it suits them. You're quite young, and you seem impulsive. I just hope your animals don't suffer any further.

all i can say to that is it's really none of your business! i to have mental health issues but some animals act like a therapeutic relief. put yourself in the position of having a mental health issue and having a bird that is constantly screeching. they give you headaches annoy the heck out of you and all you want them to do is be quiet so you can try and gather your thoughts and take each day at a time.
i have 2 budgies which i hate and when i was going through chronic clinical depression (no i don't mind saying) and i was suicidal as a result of a build up of stress and unnecessary pressures put upon me plus being over the fact i'm constantly having meds increased and being unemployed it was all topped with the birds screeching i was at the point of either letting them go or breaking their necks just for some peace and quiet....i to am still suffering from chronic depression and severe anxieties (40mg of Prozac a day) and if i go off it i become worse. in December i bought yoda and i guarantee hes had an effect on my mental health and family have noticed it.

so don't tell someone that they have to much on their plate when you only know half the story and don't live with them. i know what its like to suffer and all that jazz so are you going to tell me i don't need to own a guinea pig, rabbit, 2 budgies a cat and a beardie because i felt like breaking the necks of the budgies?? it's not for you to decide, its up to ash and if she feels that her inner self although not 100%, if she feels she can cope then let her be. i will always stand up for those that have mental health issues because i know what its like to be ridiculed and walked around like im broken eggshells.

Ash: hun, take no notice of her or other people and if you wanna chat just send me a pm, i get it. i dont understand your situation but i get that your not 100% im all eyes (ears figuratively speaking) i think only those that have experienced the worst should be able to make such comments. i hope your little girls are bringing you much happiness and are helping you on the way to feeling better mindfully, i know yoda has. its an amazing thing that animals big and small furry and scaly can do for us.
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