Nipped Beardie.

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past 6+ years experience, 8 dragons, 7 other reptiles (skinks, monitors, gecko's), and the brain capacity to visit a vet.

this does NOT make me a genius, but i at least im smart enough to see the difference between a 'cheap "replacable" beardie for sale' and a living animal who legally deserves veterinary assistance... at least go get something to clean the wound.

looks like your all arm chair experts when it comes to my life and experiences.. rofl. after all you know me SO well..
this does NOT make me a genius, but i at least im smart enough to see the difference between a 'cheap "replacable" beardie for sale' and a living animal who legally deserves veterinary assistance... at least go get something to clean the wound.

As you can see I made this thread to seek advice on what to do next. Either say something helpful, or bugger off. If your so damn experienced, you would know people have to start and learn somewhere. That is exactly what I am doing, so hop down off the horse and get over yourself.
Sorry to hear about your beardie im a beginner with 4 beardies and i just had to separate them last night cause they had their first fight.
keep an eye on the arm for swelling as that can mean an infection if it does swell he might need some antibiotics, i am also a vet nurse and what you did was fine just watch out for swelling and make sure he is catching enough crickets he may need to be hand fed until his leg heals more and he can get up more speed.

Good luck :)
Thanks spotty, I will keep an eye on that. He has eaten 6 crickets today, by hand feed, I gave up on woodies, as they were just too fast. In the future I will pull the legs off the crickets, that should help him out!
lol, yeah i had to do that a few months ago for my little girl that got 2 toes nipped by her cage mate during feeding time she was a little flat for a couple of days but after that she was bouncing around like nothin ever happened.
It's no ones fault that it happened once, yes it is a hunger thing, but BD hatchies are always hungry, and on hot days it can be very hard to keep the food up to them as much as they need, esp if you have to work / school during the day. Personally, I wouldn't bother taking a hatchy BD to a vet, I'd just euth it and feed it to something else if it didn't look good. I have never had an arm go missing as yet though, a few tail tips, but no arms, but I work from home so can spend alot of time with them and feed several times during the day. I have had 6 month olds break each other arm a few times, and they always heal very quickly without assistance, any open wounds I use Betadine or Silvazine on. To help prevent them from injuring each other, have insects on offer during all daylight hours, and as crickets can cause damage to young dragons, woodies are the go for a main feeder insect with crickets being offer daily but only a small amount in the morning and then monitored amounts in the afternoon making sure there are none left by nightfall also keep into account that too many crickets at once will cause them to crawl over the beardies and stress them out,... you also need to make sure the woodies / crickets can't hide so keep enclosures very simple. Have greens (dandelion petals and clover leaves) on offer all the time, greens will help, but not prevent cannibalism as hatchies need live food more.
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