See I think drugs have done good things for us, I really do.
And if you don't believe that drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor.
Go home tonight, take all your albums, all your tapes, all your cds and burn them.
'Cause you know what, the musicians who made all that great music that has enhanced your lives throught the years?
Real ******ing high on drugs.
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on person freedom is what it is, OK? Keep that in mind at all times, thank you.
And to add to your quote of Mr Hicks,
"Why is it that we never hear of good news drug stories, its always Boy took acid thought he could fly, jumped off the roof. Bad drugs. Its never, Today a young man took some acid and realised that we are all just matter condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively, Haha, Back to you Tom with the weather"...
I mean have you ever seen a duck take the elevator to the top of a building and jump off just to see if it could fly?? Here's and idea, Try flapping your arms on the ground to see if it works.
Oh, Mr slimy, not once have i said that drugs are necessarily good for you. But the fact of the matter is that they have many uses for us, and to just put a blanket ban on a substance because it MAY harm someone is ludicrous. It is lack of education and stigmatisation which is causing the major harm and damage to society as a whole.
If the major problem associated with a drug/activity is addiction, then banning the substance because it could addict someone is idiotic. It would be better to fully inform people of the risks of becoming addicted, provide active support if someone does become addicted and ensure that they do not become disconnected from society just because of a health problem.
If you believe that the government is not lying to you about this issue then look again. Looka t the history, look at the cheap political point scoring that goes on about being tough on drugs. It is not having an impact, in fact it is making things worse.
While the government will pat itself on the back for reducing the amount of heroin related deaths, and the amount of people overdosing, and the amount of people having heroin addictions, they are at the same time very very scared about ice. Now ice is nothing at all new to the scene, but purity levels and availability have sky rocketed since the hard line on heroin was taken. Considering the strain on an already crippled mental health system, which was not too affected by heroin abusers, this plague is 100% government caused.
Addictions are noted for many behaviours and compulsions, however it is a noted fact that the behaviour of an IV drug user/abuser will relate not only to the substance being injected, but the instant rush from injecting a substance itself. Consider two of the most common methods of delivery for recreational use of both the opiates and for crystalline methamphetamine are IV injection, it can be clearly sen that the statistics being used by the government for not only the reduction of heroin user is directly related to the jump in methamphetamine users.
The way they use these statistics is very very similar to the current unemployment figures. They do not relate to the amount of people in full time work, but to the people involved in even 5 hours of work every week or even every fortnight. These people are no longer classed as unemployed - thus we see very low figures, and artificially so.
If you cannot see how you are being deceived by our elected representatives on the drugs issue and many others i have only one thing to say to you BAAAAAAAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAAAAA. Go back to sleep.