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Whats the rush to breed?
Trust me you won't make much out of it and it will take you months to move them all.
The market atm is extremely slow going
Whats the rush to breed?
Trust me you won't make much out of it and it will take you months to move them all.
The market atm is extremely slow going

my freinds would like them and as i said before im GIVING away most of them. The lat reason is i've never breed before and i would like to have the experience. yes i am reasnobly new to snakes but i dont have the money to buy any more as yet.
Sorry, you won't be able to breed her this year, and if you do you'll be threatening your snake's health.
ok lots of replies,
first off, why is she so small? i'm not 100% sure but i think its something hormonal, no matter how much i feed her she won't grow (untill recently) whatever she ate just went straight to fat causing her to become rather obese,but recently she has burnt off alot of fat and has been growing rather fast so thts why i wanted to take advantage of it and speed grow her.
second, promosing to freinds. they are close friends, so close that i was going to give te hatchies for free (yes i dont care about money just my freinds have got really into snakes after seeing mine.). they are only just over 100 anyways.
third,i DO care about the welfare of my snake, that is another reason why i wanted her to catch up to the others.

any other questions?
Rather obese becaus she hadnt digested, and burnt off a lot because she has digested! How do you know its fat? How often does she pooh? Have you got a male to throw over her. Have your friends got tickets. Can you afford to feed all your hatchies( well you've got at least two years to save up). Got anywhere to keep the hatchies after you've COOKED 'em!
Rather obese becaus she hadnt digested, and burnt off a lot because she has digested! How do you know its fat? How often does she pooh? Have you got a male to throw over her. Have your friends got tickets. Can you afford to feed all your hatchies( well you've got at least two years to save up). Got anywhere to keep the hatchies after you've COOKED 'em!

no not just digested, remember ive had her for two years. it doesn't take a snake 2 years to digest a rat, also it was consistant throughout her body, yes i will be able to afford to feed hatchies no i dont have a place to keep them but i was planning to have a year to get that orginised anyway. What do you mean have my freinds got tickets? and for the last time i dont mind waiting, i don't want to put my girl in any chance of being injured or killed.
no not just digested, remember ive had her for two years. it doesn't take a snake 2 years to digest a rat, also it was consistant throughout her body, yes i will be able to afford to feed hatchies no i dont have a place to keep them but i was planning to have a year to get that orginised anyway. What do you mean have my freinds got tickets? and for the last time i dont mind waiting, i don't want to put my girl in any chance of being injured or killed.
by tickets I meant license;) And what makes you think she was fat? Were you already power feeding her?
by tickets I meant license;) And what makes you think she was fat? Were you already power feeding her?

i live in SA and that means you don't have to have a license for 1 animal listed under the basic list, no i wasn't power feeding her its just that all the energy that most snakes seem to put into growing she didn't seem to. nearly every animal will have specimens that take a while to grow when others seem to but ussually end up growing the same size as others.
wait, i'm not 100% sure she's a female. how big should she be if she was male? i heard that males generally grow slower...
Are you sure she's a coastal? If a 2 year old snake is 1m long and is getting fat rather than growing longer, I'd think it was some sort of Anatresia. My 2 year old Darwins were fed weekly through their first 2 winters and are relatively large for their age at 1.7 - 2 kg and 1.8 - 2m. I just bought one that was cooled last winter and it is 1.6 m and 920g. Those represent a normal range for Darwins - a species which is smaller and matures a bit more quickly than coastals. On the other hand, my Antaresia are 1 - 1.2 m long and 400 - 600g at 6 and 7 years old.
Are you sure she's a coastal? If a 2 year old snake is 1m long and is getting fat rather than growing longer, I'd think it was some sort of Anatresia. My 2 year old Darwins were fed weekly through their first 2 winters and are relatively large for their age at 1.7 - 2 kg and 1.8 - 2m. I just bought one that was cooled last winter and it is 1.6 m and 920g. Those represent a normal range for Darwins - a species which is smaller and matures a bit more quickly than coastals. On the other hand, my Antaresia are 1 - 1.2 m long and 400 - 600g at 6 and 7 years old.

well my profile pic is her (or he), i'm pretty sure she is a coastal i saw the mother and she was roughly 2-3 meters, cant remember excacly as i didnt ask and it was a while ago.
im not 100% sure but should be around 1.6 to 1.9 maybe 2 mtr..
Troy K has given you some excellent advise. I second his method. This has worked many many times.

Another food item I have found to be a fantastic steroid for snakes are rabbits. If you can get small rabbits then I strongly suggest you give her a cousre of rabbitroids :)

In my experience I have never seen an animal with deficiencies from power feeding multiple times per week. They will eventually platue out and feed weekly once fully grow. i have animals that are 8 - 9 years of age using this method and still going strong.
When I'm wanting to get certian snakes up to breeding size in a hurry I don't feed them big food items, I prefer to feed them smaller food items 3-4 times a week (first week being mon, wed, fri, second week being sun, tues, thur, sat). I find that feeding them smaller food items every second day that they can handle a lot more and put on the weight a lot quicker. I don't feed while the snakes are coming up for a shed but after they shed I start them back on 3 times a week.

I don't belive that you will be able to get you girl up to size this year but you've got plenty of time to prepare her for next season.

I also have to agree with snake pimp, I've never had one problem with any of our breeders.

Hope this helps.
Troy K

what size would be best? i dont think i can get rabbits
my jungle is fed on rats, he was 120cm on 1st bday.... but rabbit is the best meat for quick growth.
Orangesnake - Troy K and Glimmerman are spot on.

I do have some concerns regarding your thoughts that your snake WAS fat and has suddenly had a growth spurt - GENERALLY this is not how it works...

Snakes will (generally) grow in length first and then starting putting on girth.

I am not adverse to power-feeding, as has been said studies conducted by the University of Western Sydney have indicated that there are no problems in powerfeeding in the first two years does not have any adverse effects.

As you have no doubt gathered from this thread, you have no chance of breeding your snake yet. You do have plenty of time to get into condition for next season though. Be patient and have a go next season, it will be beneficial to get some more experience anyway.
if its 2 years old it should be 2 metres. at least. my stimson is 1 year and its near a metre!
as simon said you are better off waiting and using this year and next to get condition on your snake, its not far away its already may! pick up some extra info and experience along the way and you'll be set...
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