Strange lump on Ackies Back! HELP!!!

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Not so new Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Hello everyone,

I purchased four baby ackie monitors around 8 months ago. I have had 2 of them die (the significantly smaller ones) unexplainably. I have just noticed a strange lump on one of the remaining ackies back. It seems to be acting fine (did a wierd vibrating thing when i picked up just now) apart from the lump which looks like it could be its spine, but im fairly sure it isn't. HELP!!! i really dont feel like losing another one of these beautiful animals that i love so dearly!
do they have a good UVB light and regular calcium supplements?
whats the substrate?
what basking temps,..?

if u cant post pix, where is the lump located (as in where on the spine)
Working on getting pics right now. appreciate the immediate responses :)
here it is. sorry for bad quality.


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ok.. soo... gonna give me some useful advice or just tell me what it isnt?
ok.. soo... gonna give me some useful advice or just tell me what it isnt?

well I mainly keep snakes... but it looks like a skin infection or something around those grounds. I think it's best if the more experienced lizard keepers give you advice as I'm not 100% sure if it's the same with snakes.
good luck
ok.. soo... gonna give me some useful advice or just tell me what it isnt?

That was fairly uncalled for. You said you thought it was his spine, and he said it would not appear to be so.

I would be taking it to a vet pronto if I were you. Especially in light of the previous deaths you have had.
He is just telling you to seek professional medical help/guidance for this situation (a.k.a a vet)....
Is there perhaps something you are doing wrong on your end? As Chris1 asked you a couple of questions regarding the living conditions of the ackies but got no reply..?

A bit of info on how they have been kept might also help people on here figure out what might be wrong with it...

Good luck.
I'm fairly confident that their living conditions are adequate as the other ackie has grown to an enormous size for its age and is as healthy as anything. the uvb lighting is adequate, as is the heating. the substrate is crushed walnuts into a grainy sandy texture that they seem to have enjoyed this whole time. Sorry for any hostility I really dont intend to be and i appreciate all the advice.

But i dont think a vet will do me much good where I live. I would be surprised if they even knew what animal they were looking at.

Plus it would probably cost me more for them to tell me nothing can be done than the animal did itself.

I just want to do research before i got and spend money i dont have on something un necessary.

Thus I enlisted the insight of experienced reptile keepers such as yourself!

Thank you all!
buddy im afraid we can take chanced of guessing what it is
but i would agree with sam take it to a vet asap.

i dont keep lizards but i would say it look like an infection of some sort
but defanitly take her/him? to a vet

sorry posted seconds after you post sorry.

but i do understand your point and i hope the best for your beloved pet
Fair enough Tmmyq2073, any known reasons as to why 2 of them died?? Did the same thing happen to them at all? The more info you give the better the chance of someone taking a crack at what might be the doesn't look to good in that pic :/
I know. but i have a sneaking suspicion that its been like that for sometime, and ive never noticed! ahh im freaking out!!! thanks so much for all your advice though guys!! I have no idea how the other two died. I just came home and they were dead!!! no signs at all. i thought perhaps the biggest one had killed them (could easily have) but there were no signs of any fighting and I had never seen them act hostile towards each other (Hell!!! they slept on each other!!!)

Hey champ i breed them i will be straight up have concerns that you have lost two already as too the lump not to sure never had that type of problem and or any deaths but i dont like the look of it i will go through my reserch tomorrow and have a look im one of the old fellas have only been using the nett etc for a couple of yrs but have been chasing snakes and lizards most of my 45 yrs but i do want you to think about something when we take these animals to look after we are responsible for there care as your record books that you return to your state body in nsw decc they take note of deaths if it occurs to regulaly the will pay you a visit a vet is a good idea as the problem may not be you and secondly dont like that medium for accies and never have you wont beat sand make sure its clean and free of any debrie clean regulaly will contact tomorrow once ive contacted my vet who i study with regards mick
You are a lifesaver! Thank you so much! yes I'm aware that too many deaths is a serious concern. but i have only ever had two. and that is two too many! but thank you soo much for your advice. I will be changing the substrate to sand ASAP!
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