symptoms of RI? please help

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by the sound of it R.I. i took a carpet to vet today, 12pm, that had RI alright, a injection every day for 8 days, antibiotics = 2.40 baytril injections in to back muscle, IM.(intra-muscular), symptoms- dribble in corner of mouth(looks like spit) hold her head, open mouth with cotton bud, looks like puss/flem in mouth, she sat in her tree branch for 24-36 hours, would refuse food, holds head looking up, whipes mouth on things in cage, VET is all i can say, this was a case of "cooling off to quickly" and is quite common, i was told... best $85 i ever spent, oh u could hear her breathing(sounds like a quiet hiss)every now & then, turn the heat up, untill u get it to vets...
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We have bought a few wild caught BTS in the past and find that they all seem to have RI when we get them. Being caught, put in captivity and transported from N.T seems to let an RI in the front door.
What you have described sounds like an RI, and needs to ge to the vet.(which you are doing)
The vet will suggest a course of fortum or Baitril.
What I also would suggest is to remove the water bowl and offer water every couple of days, and water by pipette. Then turn up the temps to between 30-33 in the whole tub. (no cool zone)
Feeding is important, and from your description you may need to assist feed or get the vet to tube feeding a slurry mix.
Your not at panic station yet, as there are no bubbles and discharge from the nose and mouth. As others have said time is of the essence.
Just remember, once a snake has an RI, it is possible that stress and inadiquate temp ect can bring it on again.
Hope this helps, all the best.
:'( one dead snakey this morning. any recommendations as to how i approach the seller? i do not believe that this had anything to do with my husbandry as the other two are perfectly healthy (or so i hope). i am taking the snake to the vet this morning for an autopsy.
Gee no way?! Honestly I'd go straight to the seller and say what has happened and that you want a refund... (how long have you had the snakes may I ask)... Definitely get an autopsy and get an opinion from the vet of how long the snake has been sick... Infact get them to write it in the autopsy report and then provide it to the seller.
Sorry for your loss by the way. I would also be asking the vet just how much at risk the other 2 snakes are, and the chances of them being infected too. Seing as a single consultation has a standard fee, I suggest taking the other two along for a checkup too. That way if they are sick you can knock the sickness on the head before it gets worse
I am on the phone with the seller right now, at least my partner is. so we received the snakes on the 1st of April with Hobbos last run from NSW to Brisbane. three weeks and 2 days=one dead snake
right, well i'll take those two along as well. thanks for all the help seumas.
Yeah good on you! Three weeks is an awfully short time for a perfectly healthy snake to have a complete turnaround and die. Plus considering the other two are fine shows that you are doing all the right things. I'd say there could very well have been something wrong with the little guy before you even got him.
Thats so sad, Sorry for your loss, I know how you feel losing a snake within a short period of time.... Definately get a vet to do an autopsy and write a report on their exact findings
defenetly take the other 2 to the vet as well, they are your priority now, 1 dead, i would b very worried about the other 2, if the other one when down hill that quickly..
taking the other three bubs that shared the enclosure with them now, so one dead and five live to the vet today.
Wow that's going to be a very busy morning! Make sure to let us know how it goes!
im sorry for your loss shoo shoo.
im curious to know though does anyone put new animals into a quarintine when they first get them? should we if we don't? would it be safe to use the enclosures for any other animals or should that be quarantined too? how long for? is F10 enough to sterilise?
update; all vets that do reptiles that we know of are completely booked till monday. dropped the dead one into macgregor vet for autopsy though so should get some initial results from that today. spoke to seller and seems like we can come to a good compromise so no worries there.

karasha, yes all new animals 'should' be quarantined. some keepers do it for a month, some for 6 months, we were not too worried about these as they came form a very well known breeder with no question as to the level of quality husbandry on their part. we were only keeping them seperate from most of the collection but for simplicities sake we had them in with a few other youngens, all animals are now quarantined from the rest of the collection entirely.

on a side note, the vet simply did not have time to look at the other animals today, even if we waited for the day she did not think she would have the time, so we have an appointment for monday.

sad shooshoo :(
we were only keeping them seperate from most of the collection but for simplicities sake we had them in with a few other youngens, all animals are now quarantined from the rest of the collection entirely.

Just to clarify before anyone jumps the gun, she means they were in the same big enclosure, but each in their own separate tubs, for heating assurance and efficiency.
Just to clarify before anyone jumps the gun, she means they were in the same big enclosure, but each in their own separate tubs, for heating assurance and efficiency.

do you mean in seperate hatchie tubs inside a large enclosure that is heated with lights? or ceramic heater?
If so wouldn't there be no thermal gradient inside each individual tub?

I keep my hatchie tubs on heat mats, with about a third of the tub on the actual mat to provide a thermal gradient.
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