Taking wild caught animals Part 54 (split from other topic)

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PilbaraPythons said:
If I drum up enough interest in them I will export them in a bulk shipment to friends in all states for distribution and wear the export fee myself.

More like: "if i drum enough interest in them, i will
steal them in bulk from their natural habitat, torture them by putting them in a cage for the remainder of their lives and make money off suckers in other states for distribution of an animal that wont last 2 years (or the freight) and i will pay CALM the necessary hush fee's myself"

As you can tell, i dont like the sale of wild caught animals.

Before you comment, all my animals are captive bred, so they dont know any different.

Cheers, Alan. :shock:
No torture perse in human eyes, but for a wild animal roaming the natural habitat then to be put in a box for the remainder of their lives is torture in "my opinon"

And saying that they only hunt and migrate within a small distance in their lives (ie: 2 metres, 200 metres, or 2 klm's) is plain crapola!

Cheers again, Alan.
Teamsherman, i think you need a bucket to catch all the crap you talk day in, day out.
You are another one of these clowns with very little knowledge of herpetofauna. You make yourself feel good by bagging wild caught, but you would be more than happy to own a wild animal's offspring, after someone else has put in the time and effort getting them to breed, hatch the eggs and ensure that the little herps have a good kick start in life.
You have little to no field knowldge, all you have is what you have read or seen on TV. As i have said before, it's always those that know very little who speak the loudest about wild caught animals.
Thanks for highlighting your lack of reptile knowledge for us TeamSherman,
if you actually come up with one of your own opinions and can validate it with any reasonable arguement - no - you arent really capable are you.
Thank god you can hide behind your keyboard and accuse people of stealing and torturing animals - you certainly wouldnt be man enough to do it face to face - totally unfounded and worth and apology. The thread wasnt asking for your views on wc animals, however ignorant they may be.
All captive animals came from the wild originally, they weren't grown in test tubes... i think your being very unfair Alan and i think womas and ad have you down pat, im sorry im not usually one to berate a fellow in public but after your outburst, you deserve it, sorry mate..

I'll apologise to Pilbarapythons for bringing my opinion into his thread...Sorry mate..but to you and womas4me, i see no good reason for me to apologise so there wont be one.

Womas4me, whatever knowledge i have is enough for me to base my opinion on, i admit and have before, im no herp expert doctor type person, and neither are you 2, but as i said, i dont like seeing or hearing about animals being taken from the wild to make us feel good about being the superior race.

Im not going to reply to this thread, if you want to reply to me or anyone else out there wants to call me names and harass me because of my "opinion and views" feel free to pm me or start a new thread.
sherm i think you're forgetting that these animals arent yet domesticated. i know i'm not very experienced myself but the way i see it, even captive bred animals (reptiles) are essentially "wild" and you could release one into the wild and it would probably survive, assuming it's put into an environment where it would naturally occur. then compare that to your domestic pet cat or dog who gets served up their food on a plate and would quite possibly cark it if you let it loose to fend for itself. and before you say it i know that there are a lot of stray cats out there but i'm assuming most of them were born stray...plus you havent seen my cat lol ;)

i must say, i have used the "it's captive bred so it doesnt know any better" argument before, but that's because i dont yet have myself a better defense for keeping them lol.
More like: "if i drum enough interest in them, i will
steal them in bulk from their natural habitat, torture them by putting them in a cage for the remainder of their lives and make money off suckers in other states for distribution of an animal that wont last 2 years (or the freight) and i will pay CALM the necessary hush fee's myself"

Teamsherman, it is the way in which you have implied that the wild caught animals are somehow mistreated that annoys me, not your personal views on the subject. You have implied that collecting herpetofauna is illegal, those we sell animals too are suckers, and that the export fee is hush money. As far as freight is concerned, do you have proof that animals that are wild caught are dying whilst being freighted? I have sent animals all over Australia and not one has died from it, and the buyers have all been very happy with their purchase, and most have contacted us for repeat business.
If i accused you of torture, stealing, sucking in customers, and somehow offering money ( bribe ) to keep what your doing quiet would you not take it as a personal attack.
It isn't what you say, it's how you say it.
<Warning to members. Personal attacks and name calling are not permitted. It would be a shame to lose good members>
I have to agree with Alan on this one. Taking animals out of the wild and selling them is wrong. That is just my opinion.

All captive animals came from the wild originally, they weren't grown in test tubes...

Yes true but we now have a huge range of animals that are now captive bred and there is no reason to take any more from the wild. And as teamsherman said captive bred animals have never known anything else. Whilst animals that have been taken from the wild are used to their natural habitat.

Taking animals out of the wild Is mistreating them..

Regards Alex
This is a pointless arguement, neither side is going to get anything from it.

Fact is alot of reptiles are being illegally taken from the wild and while i'm against reptiles being taken from the wild for various reasons at least you WA guys are doing it legally and the reptiles are being looked after. It going to happen like it or not and if it's legal then it can be controlled to a point.
Uhmm, I think i'll leave this one alone and enjoy my day off.

!! Have fun !!
Thanks mods for moving this to somewhere different, i do feel slack for putting it in pilbarapythons thread, so again PP, sorry for the inconvenience in your thread.

Womas4me, yeah, i could have worded it differently and in no way was i saying that you or PP do any of the things i stated. That was just a play-on-words i used as an example to get my opinion across.

P.s, i know the irony of me replying when i said i wouldnt, but that was so i didnt impose on PP's thread again.
This is among some of your dumbest statements and arguments that you seem to feel the need to impose on everyone.

Funny how you've added what could almost be called a "disclaimer" at the end of your first post saying that all your animals are captive-bred. These animals are descendants of animals that were taken from the wild. You've paid a guy, who paid a guy, who took them from the wild. EVERY single reptile in captivity is either wild-caught or a descendant of animals that were wild-caught. EVERY single reptile keeper in the world has contributed to the wild taking of animals, because they have paid for the privilege of keeping these animals in our homes.

You support the system of wild-taking animals Alan. You have purchased animals that are originally from the wild. You pay money to go to zoos who themselves often gain permission to take wild animals for conservation, breeding, education purposes. I'd bet that quite a lot of the exotic reptiles in Australia came from the wild also. Either by the suppliers being untruthful about the origins of the animal, or some animals that are seized by customs.

You clearly don't hate the idea of taking wild animals Alan, as you've supported the system a fair bit to date, and you will continue to do so.

Simon Archibald
:) Sherms some time down the track ile get some pygmypythons off of pilbarra or womas4me,or some other species thats on the short list or non existant in captivity.I will breedm and you can then buym (if ile sellm) cause they will then be captive bred. Dont worry pilbarra,womas4me some people never get the piture,and they want to be moderaters. God starve the lizards alan,give us a rest its Australia day! not strange day! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
PilbaraPythons said:
If I drum up enough interest in them I will export them in a bulk shipment to friends in all states for distribution and wear the export fee myself.
Teamsherman said:
More like: "if i drum enough interest in them, i will
steal them in bulk from their natural habitat, torture them by putting them in a cage for the remainder of their lives and make money off suckers in other states for distribution of an animal that wont last 2 years (or the freight) and i will pay CALM the necessary hush fee's myself"

Sherm - that is way,way out of line. :x :evil:

teamsherman said:
Womas4me, yeah, i could have worded it differently and in no way was i saying that you or PP do any of the things i stated.

Bollocks, Sherm. You took PP's words about something he plans on doing, and paraphrased them to suggest thievery, poaching, mistreatment of animals, shonky business practices, and corruption/bribery. Despite your subsequent explanation, it sure as hell looks like you were saying that PP does all those things. It was slanderous and defamatory.

Incidentally, they don't want you to apologise for your views on wildcaught animals. They want you to apologise for what they (and many others) consider to be a personal attack upon their integrity.

And in my opinion, they most certainly deserve it.

You might want to think about the signature I've been using for the past couple of months.


:twisted: Yes hix i agree with you on this one.It was a pretty cowardly attack made by alan against the two members from WA.Good way ta LOSE VALUED members to. :twisted: :twisted: Just run the poor buggers into the ground! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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