Water Python Pictures!

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Almost Legendary
Jun 28, 2004
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Hi all,

as per Tatelina's request, I've stuck some Water Python pictures up (never a terribly unpleasant task! ;) ).

Before anyone asks, yes, I have eggs in the incubator and will have babies available before long, so yes, call this a plug if you like ;) Females $195, males $185. I won't be taking deposits until the first eggs have hatched, but you're welcome to put your name down before then if you like.

All of these animals are mine (or are babies I produced and later sold) and all descend from the east coast of QLD.

This picture is fairly old now, but it's of my favourite snake (Aimy) so you have to look at it first ;)


This one is slightly more recent (it's from May 2005). Once again, this is Aimy.


This is one of Aimy's babies at around one year of age (taken about a year ago - very roughly)


Here is another of Aimy's babies, soon after hatching (before his first feed). I still have this little guy and he is one of my favourites.


A couple of head shots of one of my adult males



Another of Aimy's babies (can you tell I'm obsessed with Aimy?)



Hatching pictures (hopefully I'll get some better ones this season, but for now, here are some from last year)




A couple of rainbow closeups on a juvenile:



And to end with, here are some terrifying pictures, showing what happens when you allow children to handle a few Water Pythons on a warm summer's day. (Thanks so much to Moosenoose and his very photogenic children!)






I hope you've enjoyed them :)
hope my name is still top of the list john. lol.
they are still as gorgeous as ever.
cool, thanks for the pics Sdaji. they are beautiful :D
PM'd u re hatchies.
Of course it is, mel. Several of them. I think you're on the Water Python list somewhere too.

bredli84: Cheers :) I'm glad you like them :D Your PM will have a response before you can say "Rainbow" ;)
Could these be the rainbow serpents spoken of in dreamtime...?

Fantastic looking pythons there. Definitely a very under rated snake. Why do you think that is?
would there be any chance of seeing a couple of pictures of their enclosures at all Sdaji
JasonL: I couldn't agree more! :)

sillysiles: thank you :D

B-Factor: cheers :)

javier: thanks :)

stokedapollo: thanks :) Good choice! ;)

MannyM: Some aboriginal tribes in northern Australia believe Water Pythons to be the offspring of the Rainbow Serpent and therefore sacred. It doesn't stop them from being eaten thought! Apparently the Rainbow Serpent is happy enough to provide its babies for the people to eat! They are under rated because of their reputation of being a fearsome and untamable animal. If not for that, I believe they'd be the most popular pet snake in Australia.

NRE-808: Sorry, I generally don't post enclosure pictures any more. Even the smallest things can turn into cans of worms around here :lol: The enclosures are very basic. Paper substrate, plastic hides, heat source at one end, water at the other. They can be kept perfectly happy in the same conditions you'd typically use for Carpets, Black Headeds, Children's (although scaled up of course) etc. They're very tough and adaptable.

pavlova: thanks :) There are several snakes pictured up there, yes, they always shine like that when you take them out into sunlight, or even under bright lights inside. Seeing them moving in direct sun is wonderful! They can look quite like live, slithering rainbows.

Buddha: thanks :)

moosenoose: Hah, you don't give your kids enough credit! They're very photogenic young people! I wish I could get the snakes to sit as still as them ;) Thanks again :)

And for anyone interested, this season's eggs are coming along very nicely :D
Sdaji; said:
682983 And for anyone interested, this season's eggs are coming along very nicely :D

oohh goody, cant wait. :D

are these the QLD or NT locality? (just curious)
Getting excited about this new bunch. Hope you still have me in line for a male from aimy's clutch.

Having trouble feeding mine at the moment?? Whats a never refused choice for your family there?
bredli84: :D All of what will be available this season originate from Townsville, on the east coast of QLD.

junglist*: I don't have anyone down under the name of junglist, so either you gave me a different name or I don't have you down! Send me a PM or email if you'd like to confirm.

Mine are all spectacular feeders. All love rats once they about six months old (some prefer mice when they're little babies, some love them from the moment they have their first slough). As adults mine all get equally enthusiastic about rats, rabbits, birds and no doubt would be the same with almost any other similarly sized animal. If you're having feeding problems I'd be very surprised if the type of food was the problem.
nice pics sdaji, gotta love the qld waters. Get them everywhere around here, and as docile as anything, unlike most NT waters.
Its not uncommon to see a half dozen or so just driving into town.
I was leaning on getting an Olive for my next, but after seeing those pics I think I want a Water. They're so pretty! Great pics mate.
MannyM: They are under rated because of their reputation of being a fearsome and untamable animal. If not for that, I believe they'd be the most popular pet snake in Australia.

Is that an incorrect assumption? What is their general temperament (hard to answer I know, as it varies... but in your experience)?
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