Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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1.1 jungle python
0.1 olive
0.0 3 red eye tree frogs
1 5 week old son my favorite pet
other reptiles..

hi everyone..wasnt going to post but changed my mind.

2.3 water pythons
1.1 bredli
1.1 murray darling carpets.
2.3 olive pythons
4.4 blackheaded pythons.
1.3 childreni.
1.2 maculosa ( eastern small blotched)
2.3 coastal carpets.
7.13 jungle carpets.
1.1 darwin carpets.
1.2 diamonds
1.1 red belly blacks
1.1 collet snakes
1.1 spoted black snakes.
1.1 death adders
1.3 bearded dragons.
4 blue tounges.

as well as a veriety of babys from this years breeding
plus others :)
cheers paul.
do you have any pics of the spotted black snake i have heard and read about them but never ever seen one :oops:
Now now Paul, this site is for SERIOUS herpers you know, never mind in a few years you may have as many as the rest of us :) Hehehe, thats quite a collection there mate !!!
Big Momma

Hey Francesco! Good to hear they are doing great!! big Momma Helga is doing great too! basking as we speak and looking to have good eggs again!!! :D:D I'm going nuts with excitement! :lol:

Just checked out your site Marc. Holy smokes you have some awsome snakes. :shock: :shock: :shock: Nice looking site as well. Love all the pics. :D
First of all hello to everyone, this is my first post on the site. I found the site a couple of weeks ago and have learnt soo much from all you guys and girls...Keep up the amazing work...

I have just got my very first snake 4 days ago.
He is a 10 month old diamond python. His name is Alfred Von Bugle.
My mates named him after a big night on the drink...
People have written down they have 1.2 snakes. Could someone please explain as I do not understand your lingo yet...

Harty..... :lol: :lol:
1.2 means 1 male, 2 female. often you'll see a third number for exemple 1.2.5 it means 1 male, 2 female 5 unsexed.
good herping!
What snakes/reptile

2 x Coastal carpet yearlings
1 x Diamond Python 4 year old female
2 x Children's Pythons
2 x Spotted Pythons Antaresia maculosa
Firstly. Welcome Harty and congratulations on your first snake. I hope you enjoy our site and have many more posts to come.

Here is the deal on what big daddy has.

1.1 Morelia spilota spilota
0.1 Liasis olivaceus
1.2 Homo sapien
hi all
we simpsons
have got
1.2 maccies
1.1 n.t water pythons
2 female coastals we think
i hope i have posted that right
7 all up anyhow
Hey, I get to respond. Usually I just troll around for info. Let's see, right now I have

1.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota cheynei)
1.0 Common Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor Imperator)
1.1 Black Milk Snakes (Lampropeltis triangulum gaigeae)
1.1 Hypomelanistic Honduran Milk Snakes (Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis)
1.1 Variable Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri)
0.0.1 Pacific Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer)
1.0 Russian Rat Snake (Elaphe schrencki schrencki)

Wow...I didn't know I had eleven snakes...How did that happen? Not one biter in the bunch. The Carpets are new as I have always been into colubrids but lately have fallen in LOVE with Morelia. You know I notice that you Aussies rarely talk about Jungle Carpets, Why is that? I sure do enjoy hearing points of view from the other side of the world and have learned a lot and changed opinions (like on the management of Australian species) because of things I have read on this site. I appreciate all the info even though you didn't know you were talking to me! Later!
Welcome J. Bullfrog....

The person to talk to about Jungles is probably Paul (Pythonss) as he breeds them. My understanding is that like most pretty things they are fairly high maintainence in the cooler climates of Australia. Hence they are not as popular as the "Can't kill with a sledgehammer" Childrens pythons or Maccies (yeah that was the quote I was given).

Cheers Hawkeye
Welcome to the site :)
(be an interesting experiment, that sledgehammer one)..

J.B. - im in australia now.. but i lived in america for quite a few years. i have noticed that they seem to be more popular in the states than they are here..

i think in the states they seemed to be seen as a bit more of a 'collector' snake than they are here - i know that there are some absolutely gorgeous snakes available to you hehe. that may have changed in the last few years though.

not quite sure why exactly! they do have a slightly 'snappy' reputation compared to other carpets, but i know that in any species there are going to be exceptions. maybe we just dont talk about them as much because there are so many morelia species to talk about :) and as hawks said - children's and maccies make up a huge percentage as well...
What snakes/ reptiles do you have

I have 2 Childrens Liasis childreni
2 Spotteds Antaresia maculosa
4 Coastal Carpets Morelia spilota mcdowelli
1 Diamond Python Morelia spilota splitoa
I guess it's my turn now to show off my extensive collection. :)
1.1 Diamond python
0.1 Inland Carpet
0.1 Water python

Also, great site Marc, you have some amazing animals. :D
I just have one small blotched python, and was wondering if anyone knows of any good care sheets on this species. Everything I've found so far doesnt seem to be very specific.
Thanks :)
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