Hey all,
My last clutch of bearded dragons hatched on new years eve. Many of the eggs died in incubation, I assume it was a dodgy last clutch, as they were kept at the same temps and conditions of the previous successful clutches. 9 survived in total, all with nice colours and eating well, I noticed there was one "runt" of the clutch, who was a bit smaller then the other dragons.
This morning I ran a bath for them, luke warm/cool and placed the 9 in there, they all drank at first, then ran around. I picked up the small one, as i noticed he twitched a bit, and then he started twitching heaps, and shaking, Like he was having a fit, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth, and just died. Not fun to watch.
Closer inspection and i saw that he was half way through making a poo, not sure if this has anything to do with it. I havent heard of this before. It looked like he was having a seziour. If any one has any ideas as to what could have happened, please let me know. Cheers.
My last clutch of bearded dragons hatched on new years eve. Many of the eggs died in incubation, I assume it was a dodgy last clutch, as they were kept at the same temps and conditions of the previous successful clutches. 9 survived in total, all with nice colours and eating well, I noticed there was one "runt" of the clutch, who was a bit smaller then the other dragons.
This morning I ran a bath for them, luke warm/cool and placed the 9 in there, they all drank at first, then ran around. I picked up the small one, as i noticed he twitched a bit, and then he started twitching heaps, and shaking, Like he was having a fit, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth, and just died. Not fun to watch.
Closer inspection and i saw that he was half way through making a poo, not sure if this has anything to do with it. I havent heard of this before. It looked like he was having a seziour. If any one has any ideas as to what could have happened, please let me know. Cheers.