Virides to do Name Plates for your Animals

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Zoo style name plates would be cool with a distribution map.

This is a really good idea. I have the distribution map stuck onto the front of one of my enclosures, this would be even better.
Ha, thanks for picking up the I mean I was testing you all...yes...testing...

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We felt that we could roll the BHP and Woma into the same product - Aspidites. They share the scientific name, they are essentially the same pattern and a black and white photo of each would be so similar. The only time we could differentiate is make the head of the Woma brown. But the other reason we didn't do this is the cost of bringing another product that is so similar up on the website - it costs us about $150/product to put on the site...

Perhaps when we are better off, we can afford to refine lines more.

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So if we sourced maps from AROD using something like

I would imagine the name plate we currently have would make for a very small map. Given the detail required, this might be better on an Anodised Aluminium Panel. QR2id has an etched anodised panel with QR2id code for $27.50. This panel is 92 x 65mm so would be getting to the size where a map would be better suited. I think I would need to talk with Rick about how we can automate the artwork since each animal would require a different map. If we source it from AROD we would have to talk with them if we are to use their maps.

Maybe this will become a thing, just have to do some R&D but initially, is the price point of $27.50 acceptable? Keep in mind it is essentially custom, laser etched and etching takes a fair bit of time.
We got our costings in and we have decided to sell these for $8ea. For those who put in orders we will be PMing you the payment details tonight. We will be etching the first batch this weekend hopefully and we will mail out your name plates as we receive confirmation of payment.

Rick is looking at automation for creating name plates and so this may affect the pricing of the name plates later on. We feel that $8 is a lot cheaper than similar name plates from engravers simply because we are not too fussed with the labor involved with creating the name plates.

We wish to continue to take orders and other batches can be done easily if required.

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Everyone who has orders so far, your invoices have been emailed to you.


More orders welcomed
I'm interested in grabbing a couple. Do you have any set prices for postage? $X for up to Y plates?

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I'm interested in grabbing a couple. Do you have any set prices for postage? $X for up to Y plates?

Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Tapatalk

$8.50P&H generally, depending on the amount of name plates you require we can skip the postage cost.

I just finished setting up the artwork file to be sent to the laser, if you put your order in tonight, I can add it to the file and it will be produced this weekend.

If you would like some, please PM me with the following:

Your Name
Your Address
Your Email

Pet's Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Additional Text (Y/N - keep it short) Eg. MM/YYYY, Locale, etc
QR2id Code (Y/N)


For those who currently have QR2id accounts, Rick has told me that it is out of practice for him to create Name Plates with duplicated QR2id codes. Those with accounts who have ordered so far will still be allowed their name plates, but from now on only new QR2id codes can be affixed to the Name Plate.

When putting your order in, we will activate an account on your behalf using the personal information you provide. The system will auto-assign a password and we will not know anything about your account or how to access it. For now the account will be a Free QR2id Introduction Card but later when we implement this as a proper product on the website, this account will require payment ($16.50). The account we set up on your behalf for now, will require you in 2 years from initial creation of the account, to pay a renewal fee of $28.60 paid biannually.

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Rick cut these on the weekend and suffered some trouble with reliably etching them. Silver acts differently to white essentially.

While he has done his best to use the silver, any further name plates will be cut from white - far easier to cut/etch.

We decided on silver initially because it best resembled stainless, stainless being expense to produce.
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I will be posting out some of the orders tomorrow, however I am still awaiting payment from about 4-5 people. I sent invoices through Paypal and also messaged those through APS about a week ago.

If you could kindly pay for your order, I can get them out to you :)

All have been posted.

Anyone else interested in some name plates?
I got my name plates today.

And woma_wild what do you think of the handles? Pretty bad phone pic but I think they look really good.


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Got mine today as well, i think it looks great!

Good to see that your name plates have arrived!

If anyone would like some, please PM me with the following:

Your Name
Your Address
Your Email

Pet's Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Additional Text (Y/N - keep it short) Eg. Birth MM/YYYY, Locale, etc
QR2id Code (Y/N) (New customers only)

Also these are no longer available in silver due to difficulties with laser settings and getting these to cut/etch consistently.
[MENTION=23918]Virides[/MENTION] what colours are these now available in? My new snake needs a new tag :)

I currently have 15 unassigned QR2iD codes in my account, is there any chance I can use one of them on the tag or do I need to purchase a new one?
@Virides what colours are these now available in? My new snake needs a new tag :)

I currently have 15 unassigned QR2iD codes in my account, is there any chance I can use one of them on the tag or do I need to purchase a new one?

Since last doing these, our laser had a problem and a lot of settings were lost - including the ones for these products. At the time Rick had a lot of trouble getting these right and subsequently under quoted on them - by a lot. The material despite being marketed as "Laser Grade" just is too varied for our liking.

So, we have an alternative that we feel is a lot better. I have been busy with other projects but your request has prompted me to look at this again, so I am suggesting 2mm Digital Grade ACM with UV Plastic Ink. These can be any array of colours with any design you want and can be produced comparatively a lot faster than laser etching. I will have to work out a new price but I am sure these can be quite cheap. They will also feature our new adhesive - so they won't fall off.

As for your codes. The great thing is that once you purchase a code, it is yours for life. With that, it is basically inevitable that you will lose or damage one of your codes beyond recognition. So when you are logged into your account where all your codes are listed, currently active codes should have on the far right what looks like a black and white mini code under the column named "Copy". Click on the icon and it will bring up a window where you choose what style of code you want. In this case you want to select "With QR2id Serial No". Right click on the image displayed and save it. You can then send this file to [email protected]

Since this will be the first of this version, I will do this one for free - you can be the guinea pig :)

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Zoo style name plates would be cool with a distribution map.

Also, this means that this kind of name plate is much more able to happen.
Keen to see the ones with the distribution maps. I'll snag a couple of them.
Im also very interested to see the new plates and prices as a potential solution to nice info plates on elapid enclosures since I like things to be neat and match lol.
I can halve some of the material cost by using Acrylic instead of ACM. This way the edges will also look better as you won't see bare aluminium edges. It also means that we could look at laser cutting these out to achieve glossy edges. If however it is cheaper to router these, then we will opt for this. The only difference is a matt finish on the edges.

I can also easily source acrylic. I will use white for all colours and black will be matte black 3mm acrylic. White will likely be 2mm.

What I need to know, and what would be especially helpful, if people could post photos of where they would be putting their name plates on their enclosures. Also let me know the size (preferably size range) that would suit your situation. I then plan on having 2 sizes (maybe 3).

Also, would anyone be kind enough to point me in the direction of a reliable reference for distribution maps for Australian species?

Help would be super appreciated :)
Wikimedia commons has basic ones which are similar to some of the simplified verions on most zoo plaques. Don't dont have distribution maps for everything though.
File:Woma.png - Wikimedia Commons
File:Olive Python.png - Wikimedia Commons

And AROD > Home | is a great soure and the maps could be simplified.
Woma (Aspidites ramsayi) at the Australian Reptile Online Database |
Olive python (Liasis olivaceus) at the Australian Reptile Online Database |

The only issue is finding maps for if people want Morelia spilota broken up into subspecies.
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