Help, i think my snake might die, did i do something wrong?

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My 2 Spotted Pythons have also gone off food. I'm Not worried about One of them Because it was a fatty and i feed It up knowing it will lose condition over Winter But My other one Is On the skinny side. They are both Adults but Not full size. The skinny one ate Once a week/fortnight before and went off food a month ago. When do they start to eat again? They are on a head mat (31 degrees thermostat and a thermomotor to make sure it stays steady) should I get some Lighting to warm the air also? I'm not looking to breed. Just to keep my babies happy and healthy.

also My fatty Is So active at the moment, It is moving day and night and the moment I open the enclosure It is out the door on my bed, up the window and behind a painting.
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Weather is getting cooler....this is normal.
6 months without food is no big deal for a python.
I personally find that my males seem to stop eating first....females know they need to bulk up for eggs.
no issue at all, depends on size, but 17 month old spotteds that have been fed well and regularly during the warmer months will go winter without food easily. I doubt you will have any dramas other than having to throw away a few uneaten mice. winter can be a very confusing time. does she seek out the cooler end of the enclosure a lot more? this may mean she is trying to brumate. Put a hide at both warm and cool ends and see which one she spends most of her time in and around. More of a little experiment than any conclusive evidence as she may be comfortably brumating at the warmer side or maintaining regular metabolism at the cooler one.
my woma has gone 2 months without eating......
they can go quite a few months without food....he will eat when he wants to....if your temps are correct and he has plenty of hides to choose from you should have nothing to worry bout
when i got my diamond (she was 4 at the time) i was told she hadnt been fed in 18 months, she was very weak and skinny, but is now doing really well, id say if shes acting fine apart from not eating i wouldnt worry,..
When I lived down South I had a spotted that woulg go off food for months everytime it got cooler, it ate well during the warmer months and never showed any ill effects of its fasting.
wow so many replies...

thank you all for your comforting words... im not as stressed as i was lastnight... and i dont think my snake hates me no more..

reply to syeph8's question.... she spends most of her time in her hide that is on the warm side of the enclosure(big click clak) which is on a heating matt at 31 degrees...
Yeh my spotted male is pushing two and for some time now has only eaten about every 4 to five weeks. He has plenty of weight (sometimes I think to much) and is active at night so I don't worry. My coastals seem to stop eating over winter. I dont have hides near the heat because then snake has reason to come out to thermoregulate. I have branches for security as well as it looks good and my spotteds do actually climb up there.
Mine didn't eat for about a month, I offered a mouse the other night and it just casually smelt it, but when i quickly pulled the mouse away, "BANG" All good.
up the temps to 35 degress dont stress the boy will eat when he needs too
it'll be fine. it's getting cooler so they might go off food. they can last quite a long time without food as long as they were in decent condition before they went off food, and I wouldn't really start to worry for another month or so.
hahaha. snakes can go for several months without food. dont need to stress aboiut him not eating for 3 weeks. lol
not to be rude... but can i have some more comfirmations please... ^_^ thank you

Yes, you can.

Relax. I'm sure your snake is fine. This is typical behaviour of many snakes at this time of year. It could be due to the weather getting cooler, or it may be that she is well fed and wants to fast for a while. Either way, she can go months without a meal. If there are no obvious signs of illness, then I would leave her be for a while. before you know it, she'll be feeding varociously again.
i stressed out just as much as you when my spotted did that she lasted 2 and 1/2 months till she just gave up her hunger strike and ate 2 mice :)
DON'T 'up the temps to 35 degrees" especially at this time of the year. 35 is too hot anyway, and as you've seen from the replies, this is very likely a perfectly natural seasonal cycle. Don't try to force the snake to behave unnaturally by fiddling with environmental factors like temperature if they have worked OK till now. It is simply doing what snakes do at this time of the year, and in most cases, Antaresias will lose almost no condition if they go through the entire winter without feeding. If it still refuses to feed in the next couple of weeks, turn the temps DOWN and forget about it till August. It will be fine.

if she is 17 months old and a solid feeding history she will last up to a year without eating so dont stress most of your anterasia are funny with their food this time of the year if your real worried put her in a smaller tub with less gradient and offer her smaller prey my male stimmie is five eats like a machine from nov to feb then refuses food from about march onwards. The scary thing is he will still take baby rats and small twitching mice during the colder months but if i offer him a weaner rat which he eats all summer he turns his nose up at it despite temps
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