Very Well-Known Member
Peter, you are a man of great wisdom, and i wish to be the bearer of your babies.:lol:
Does your dad own a brewery?
Peter, you are a man of great wisdom, and i wish to be the bearer of your babies.:lol:
i dont see much problem in german giants, beign p. vitticeps and p. barbata. it can strengthen, lengthen and build the future animals. this trait is very much saught after overseas.
where Intergrades as an example DiamondXJungle are fertile.
The problem is that it's a hybrid. And yes, German Giants are quite sought after... in America. The same place where many Australian python species are regularly cross-bred Same with the P. vitticeps and P. henrylawsonii cross - the Vittikins. The Yanks will cross-breed just about anything Doesn't make it right...
Just a quick question ....How do we know that the snakes we are getting now a pure blood. Even some WC snakes overlap in the areas where they live. People have been breeding snakes for a long time and how many are really pure blood. I am not saying crossing is ok, its just a question I dont know the answer for.
try your hardest to find a breeder that has good records. possibly right back to when they were wildcaught. or at least many many generations. you can never really be entirely sure. if there is a possibility of hybridisation in your breedign stock, or in your snakes. it is ALWAYS best to tell the buyer, as we dont want hidden hybrid blood snakes out classified as pure.
this is probably the biggest problem.
I agree. As I said earlier the childrens, spotteds ect were all classed as the same snake up intill a few years ago in QLD so how many people are selling childrens pythons that have something else mixed in with them even if was 3 or 5 generations ago.
wow, i dint realise that... it is possible these days for breeders to breed their own wild caught, childrens and spotteds. most probably for this very reason. there is a breeder in WA that has alot of wild caught for sale, and often wild caught captive bred clutches. this 'should' guaruntee a pure childrens, or a pure spotted.
Because someone that sell them to you, say that they are pure. Thats how you know!!!! And everybody they deal with they tell that they are locality pure. Word of mouth, what a great way to know you are getting locality pure animals. Trust is really overrated!!!!
has anyone crossed a woma with a bhp?
I see it is that time of year again !! One thing I'd like to point out is that Hybrids tend to be infertile IE Mules ETC where Intergrades as an example DiamondXJungle are fertile. And who ever made the cattle and dog crossbreeding is bad!comment needs to do some real research. There are breeds of Cattle and Breeds of dogs their get are only as good or bad as the parents they come from. This is like discussing inbreeding or religion IE emotions and ideals ETC get in the way.
Here is something that was posted on another forum and I think it isn't an unreasonable view
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]Your confusing monitors with people. First, there is nothing wrong with crossing(hybrids)in monitors. The problem is with some people who intentionally or unintentionally mislabel them. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]In the case of your flavis. After I stopped breeding them, they flat disappeared. Leaving nothing but crosses. I am again producing pure flavis. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]So your beef is really with those people. You must ask yourself, what do the monitors have to do with it. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]You did not mentioned it, but I am responsible for many crosses(that you mentioned) But, some occur by folks, who do not even realize they are breeding two different species. This is very common. Or people who flat do not care. This world is full of all manner of folks. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]This has even occurred in zoos with mangrove types, doreanus types and gouldi types. They did not do it on purpose. They just did not know, what they had was different. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]As you know, new species are discribed all the time. The reality is, no new species are being created. We are just giving the animals that exsist, different names. Which boils down to this, what was not hybrids or crosses ten, fifteen years ago, is today. And will be even more tomorrow. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]So the actual point is not to like it or dislike it, it does and WILL occur, the concern is how me manage it. If its in the forefront, it can be managed. But if its hidden, then who knows what your getting. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]When so-called experts(suedo purists) make this subject about good and bad(choosing to like or dislike it), it really is making it a very harmful situation. Then people polarize. Those that think its bad, may hide it. Its going to happen and we really do not want it hidden. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]Crossing is not bad, but hiding it is. ARe you getting this. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]Lastly, no one has to like it, just as no one has to like all monitors, or all individuals, or all species. But you do not have to make what you do not like, A BAD THING. Please consider this. Cheers /Quote[/FONT]
I have to agree it is better to keep it out in the open as there is no way anyone can stop it. Me I say to each his own..