Amazing! Even 12mths ago, the OP would have been shot down in FLAMES, and the thread possibly locked
I'm still kind of sitting on the fence about hybrids: I certainly understand the conservation-oriented view, and the need to keep pure lines and localities etc. But, I'm probably not totally convinced that there can't be a middle ground, and room for both the purists, and the comtemporary RESPONSIBLE breeders producing hybrids, also. Or maybe I'm just being wishy washy and don't want to get shot down, myself :lol:
The amount of hatchies becoming available on the market, I think, is a concern. Common animals are becoming extremely hard to move, and I've heard of plenty of people this year who are releasing coastals and beardy bubs simply because they can't give them away. Okay, so, releasing some coastals into some Brissy scrubland probably isn't the worst thing in the world. But, when the difficulty of selling hatchies spreads to the hybrids breeders, as well, and they are also tempted to release rather than euth or keep until rehoming, then I can see the issues arising. That said, I knew of a crapload of exotics floating around this season, too, so I guess all these problems are kind of inevitable. Unfortunately.
Thanks for the pics, anyway, OP. I'd be keen to see them once they change colour, too.
Love the new nickname Mr. God
I think I'll call you Goddles for short, okay?