Very Well-Known Member
Hope you and the vet work out a treatment to help him and hope its not to late good luck with him.
But you were also told he was fine yesterday i'm assuming by the same vet...
Doesn't sound like a very good vet at all...
I am a WIRES member and I have come across a python that had been beaten with a stick by some idiot who thought it was venomous. The beating resulted in a fractured skull and jaw. After the fractures healed the python kept doing what looked like yawning, but turns out he hadn't used his mouth for so long due to the fracture and he was doing some little stretches or mouth exercises to realign his jaw! Hopefully it is some as simple as that. BTW I dont believe mouth rot happens spontaneously ie from stressing, although stressing may create the environment suitable to the rot, there has to be something else their to cause it.
Glad you got a proper diagnosis this time. Wether or not it picked it up from the other snake is hard to say, but i would think that the bino and the previous snake that had it would have to come pretty close in contact to transfer anything. .......
Don't develop a false sense of security. It sounds like he may very well have developed it from stress but once the symptoms flare it then becomes contagious to others. Just like the common cold and flu in us. We carry the germs with us but it only flares up when our immune systems are compromised - then we cough and splutter and give it to everyone else. Just take special hygiene care to keep in contained, thats all I am saying.
Guys, my albino carpet had a feed yesterday, I took him out of the cage this arvo to see how he was doing, he was clicking, pushing his throat out, and kept opening his mouth... I immediately thought, RI
I took him to the vet straight away, and he saw the best reptile vet in Darwin. The vet said that it could be normal and that he might have stretched too much while feeding or eaten it awkwardly. He had a look inside and said that it there weren't any signs of an RI inside the mouth.
I took him home, and just got him out again and he's still doing it, opening his mouth almost every 30seconds to a minute... I managed to capture this. I really need any experienced herpers to tell me if it looks normal? One thing I noticed, what is that on the roof of the mouth near the snout??
Another thing to note is he came up with AAE from Brissy last Monday so I've only had him a weekHe seemed fine when I first got him but could the stress of the trip have resulted in this or is it from the feed?
(Also, temps, humidity etc... EVERYTHING is perfect I have raised another snake in this exact enclosure before.)
May I ask why you were handling your snake pretty much straight after a feed?:?
All the extra handling checking him and taking him to and from the vet constantly whilst he's just fed can't of helped things much....
May I ask why you were handling your snake pretty much straight after a feed?:?
All the extra handling checking him and taking him to and from the vet constantly whilst he's just fed can't of helped things much....