So you are saying that its ok to handle snakes that still have food bulges in them?
Willing to risk them regurging etc (causing more possible unnecessary problems) on you all for the sake of doing something that can be done without even touching the snake?
Oh, I'm jumping to conclusions eh? It was you who said you took it out... not me... and by taking it out and to and from the vet countless times,
that would involve SOME form of handling no? this is the part you missed where I imply that I KNOW that it has to involve some form of handling to get to and from the vet!
Are you insinuating that I think and believe certain things now from me simply stating that "what were you doing handling it so soon after? and that couldnt have helped things" How did you get all this other mumbo jumbo (yes technical old school term I know, I sound like an old fart LOL!) i.e. the stuff I bolded for your viewing pleasure and ease... Is that not you jumping to conclusions etc? Getting all this from one simple question etc? I have not even said nor implied any of that!
I don't care how old or big the snake is,
I "I" meaning this is what I and I only do... not how everyone else should do it! always leave it minimum of 2days before I
touch the snakes (obviously the older the snake, the bigger the food item and the longer it might take to digest, so unless there is reason elsewise *not sure if thats even a word, but anyways* I dont touch them until there is NO bulge whatsoever visible, usually a day or two before they crap or the day they are due to crap and I get a pleasant present lol)...
You know you can still observe closely and check/inspect etc your snake without touching them... And I'm almost certain that you dont open
every one of your snakes mouths
24hrs after every feed to inspect their mouths,
Seriously curious to know suey, do you do this? or not? I bet you dont
no alteria motive here, just want to know... you probably would never have even thought of this until this snake came down with what it did... (and before you get on your high horse, I routinely check each snake's mouth weekly when I get them out for cleaning the enclosures)
And you only noticed the problems inside its mouth from it constantly opening it etc (all which can be noticed and observed without touching the snake!) Everything it came down with and you described, could all have been done without touching it...
Yep, no, I didnt think I said you couldnt touch it to take it to the vet, I was commenting on the inspection part, not the "resolution" part...Yes it may have been easier to some extent, I'm just putting it out there, that to check that your snake is fine after a feed, you dont necessarily have to touch it or pick it up especially 24-36hrs after a feed! Or maybe you just arent that observant to notice every little detail without having it in your hands?
Again, I didnt think I said you couldnt touch it to take it to the vet, I was commenting on the inspection part, not the "resolution" part...
Nothing like a good ol' bit of subtle re-iteration hey seumas?

:lol: Want my subtle but obvious as hell "re-iteration"??? Nah, I'm sure I've spelt it out clearly enough, we will see...
Obviously wasnt clear enough...Go figure, its always the way...:lol: