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hey seumas,

My girl spotted python has just recovered from a respiratory infection and she was on fortum injections too... it wasn't until the 4th out of the 5 injections (3 days inbetween each shot- so almost 2 weeks later) that I actually started seeing improvements so don't stress to much, it just takes time to kick in.

Thanks for the comment. Yeah my snake had RI a few months back and I noticed the same thing. I guess just because I've only had the little guy for a week and he's an albino that I'm worrying twice as much hehe. Ramsayi has helped me out by telling me to keep temps up during the night so I'll see how he goes. I'll keep everyone posted :) cheers!
well ishah, the next day is pretty much not straight after, especially with a snake that size. the next day is fine to handle.

Thanks for the backup fidzy. :lol: Plus like I said it was over 24 hours after, and it was just to checkup on him to see how he was doing, not really to handle him. Luckily I did though or I wouldnt have notice a thing :D
well ishah, the next day is pretty much not straight after, especially with a snake that size. the next day is fine to handle.

So you are saying that its ok to handle snakes that still have food bulges in them? Willing to risk them regurging etc (causing more possible unnecessary problems) on you all for the sake of doing something that can be done without even touching the snake?

Ishah Ishah Ishah. Always jumping to conclusions I see. Sunday morning 10am the snake had a feed. I took him out of his enclosure to have a two minute check to see how he was doing at 4pm Monday arvo. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is well over twenty-four hours? I have always checked my snakes the next day after a feed to make sure the feed is where it should be and that they are ok. This wasn't about handling, it was about checking him, which obviously was the right thing to do or I wouldn't have noticed there was something wrong with him... Are you saying that it was wrong of me to check up on him (which resulted in me noticing his sickness) and also to take him to the vet? Sounds like you're saying that you would have left him alone for 2 or 3 days and not taken him to the vet to get the vital medicine he needed. Unfortunately by then he probably would have been dead!

Oh, I'm jumping to conclusions eh? It was you who said you took it out... not me... and by taking it out and to and from the vet countless times, that would involve SOME form of handling no? Are you insinuating that I think and believe certain things now from me simply stating that "what were you doing handling it so soon after? and that couldnt have helped things" How did you get all this other mumbo jumbo (yes technical old school term I know, I sound like an old fart LOL!) i.e. the stuff I bolded for your viewing pleasure and ease... Is that not you jumping to conclusions etc? Getting all this from one simple question etc? I have not even said nor implied any of that!

I don't care how old or big the snake is, I always leave it minimum of 2days before I touch the snakes (obviously the older the snake, the bigger the food item and the longer it might take to digest, so unless there is reason elsewise *not sure if thats even a word, but anyways* I dont touch them until there is NO bulge whatsoever visible, usually a day or two before they crap or the day they are due to crap and I get a pleasant present lol)...

You know you can still observe closely and check/inspect etc your snake without touching them... And I'm almost certain that you dont open every one of your snakes mouths 24hrs after every feed to inspect their mouths, you probably would never have even thought of this until this snake came down with what it did... (and before you get on your high horse, I routinely check each snake's mouth weekly when I get them out for cleaning the enclosures)

And you only noticed the problems inside its mouth from it constantly opening it etc (all which can be noticed and observed without touching the snake!) Everything it came down with and you described, could all have been done without touching it... Yes it may have been easier to some extent, I'm just putting it out there, that to check that your snake is fine after a feed, you dont necessarily have to touch it or pick it up especially 24-36hrs after a feed! Or maybe you just arent that observant to notice every little detail without having it in your hands?
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So you are saying that its ok to handle snakes that still have food bulges in them? Willing to risk them regurging etc (causing more possible unnecessary problems) on you all for the sake of doing something that can be done without even touching the snake?

Oh, I'm jumping to conclusions eh? It was you who said you took it out... not me... and by taking it out and to and from the vet countless times, that would involve SOME form of handling no? Are you insinuating that I think and believe certain things now from me simply stating that "what were you doing handling it so soon after? and that couldnt have helped things" How did you get all this other mumbo jumbo (yes technical old school term I know, I sound like an old fart LOL!) i.e. the stuff I bolded for your viewing pleasure and ease... Is that not you jumping to conclusions etc? Getting all this from one simple question etc? I have not even said nor implied any of that!

I don't care how old or big the snake is, I always leave it minimum of 2days before I touch the snakes (obviously the older the snake, the bigger the food item and the longer it might take to digest, so unless there is reason elsewise *not sure if thats even a word, but anyways* I dont touch them until there is NO bulge whatsoever visible, usually a day or two before they crap or the day they are due to crap and I get a pleasant present lol)...

You know you can still observe closely and check/inspect etc your snake without touching them... And I'm almost certain that you dont open every one of your snakes mouths 24hrs after every feed to inspect their mouths, you probably would never have even thought of this until this snake came down with what it did... (and before you get on your high horse, I routinely check each snake's mouth weekly when I get them out for cleaning the enclosures)

And you only noticed the problems inside its mouth from it constantly opening it etc (all which can be noticed and observed without touching the snake!) Everything it came down with and you described, could all have been done without touching it... Yes it may have been easier to some extent, I'm just putting it out there, that to check that your snake is fine after a feed, you dont necessarily have to touch it or pick it up especially 24-36hrs after a feed! Or maybe you just arent that observant to notice every little detail without having it in your hands?

Nothing like a good ol' bit of subtle re-iteration hey seumas?:rolleyes::lol: Want my subtle but obvious as hell "re-iteration"??? Nah, I'm sure I've spelt it out clearly enough, we will see... ;)

-How can you observe your snakes if they're inside a hide that you can't see in? Sure you can take the hide off, which startles them and they move which makes it hard to put the hide back on top of them. So I just picked him up, which he didn't care about.
-Maybe your snakes just don't like the look of you and regurgitate their food if they see you before they can digest their food LMAO but none of my snakes have ever regurgitated a feed... EVER... regardless of whether I handle them straight after a feed, a day after a feed, or a week after a feed.
-You say everything that I did could have been done without touching the snake yeah? Umm, how could I have taken him to the vet without touching him?

And one final question, why did you have to go and hijack yet another thread with your absolute crap? I've seen you do it in countless other threads before and ignored it... but to come into my thread with that attitude is not on, especially when it was just a simple thread in which I've asked for help from EXPERIENCED keepers (and a bit of moral support), not dilusion people who think they know what they're talking about and want to criticise others. Your initial comment and nothing that you have said since has any relavence whatsoever to my situation. Every single thing you have tried to make a point about are opinionated and will differ from keeper to keeper and I'm sure from breeder to breeder. Me touching my snake certainly didn't make it sick, it was sick before that. And me moving it to take it to the vet sure as hell didn't make it sick, it meant that I got the necessary antibiotics to make him better.
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I wasn't constanty handling him and taking him to and from the vet, and any handling that was done was instructed (other than the initial handle which I always do to check on the snake).

Sunday morning- 10am - Feed of 1 fuzzy rat.
Monday arvo- 4pm - Hide taken off to check snake, seemed to be yawning, picked up to inspect breathing, slight clicking when held to the ear and puffing of the throat. (2minutes) Put into snake bag whilst phoning vet to see if I could come straight in. Vet says yes.
Vet trip 1: I drive to the vet. The vet does a check over, notices symptoms. Doesn't get a good look inside the mouth. Vet says it could just be him re-aligning the jaw or discomfort from an awkward feed. Tells me to keep an eye on him and check him every so often to make sure he doesn't get worse.
Monday night: 8pm. I take the hide off and he moves again, I notice the yawning. I pick him up to listen from breathing, clicking has gotten worse. Puffing of the neck is more constant and yawning more frequently. I take the chance while he is out to take a photo whilst he is yawning. I put him back in his cage where he remains for the rest of the night.
Monday 8:30pm: Two of the best breeders in Darwin are phoned to ask for a second opinion. I describe the symptoms and they tell me to take him back to the vet asap and say that they sent me.
Monday 9:00pm: I phone the vet's emergency number and talk to the vet again. The vet says to come back first thing in the morning to have antibiotics prescribed.
Tuesday morning 8am : Vet trip 2: I take snake to the vet as instructed by 2 top breeders and vet. Vet examines again, looks at the photo, and prescribes fortum injections every second day. I return home, snake goes back in cage where he has remained for the entire duration of the day.
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Are you for real?
-How can you observe your snakes if they're inside a hide that you can't see in? Sure you can take the hide off, which startles them and they move which makes it hard to put the hide back on top of them. So I just picked him up, which he didn't care about. Yes, lift the hide up silly... Only one of my hides are a bit small for one of my snakes and they get disturbed a bit but still not as disturbed as being picked up after a feed...;), the rest you can take the hide off easily without disturbing or disrupting the snake too much. Who cares if you cant put the hide straight back on them, put the hide in a slightly different position, they will find it again and get comfortable, they arent completely stupid "like you imply"...:lol:
-Maybe your snakes just don't like the look of you and regurgitate their food if they see you before they can digest their food LMAO but none of my snakes have ever regurgitated a feed... EVER... regardless of whether I handle them straight after a feed, a day after a feed, or a week after a feed. OMG, for someone accusing another of jumping to conclusions, you surely do do a LOT of conclusion jumping yourself... My snakes have NEVER regurgitated on me and definately not for my looks honey, I'm sure I look a darn lot prettier than you! ;) For a matter of fact, I did not say that it WOULD FOR CERTAIN regurgitate if you did, I said you COULD RISK it regurgitating on you, learn to read! GEEZ!:rolleyes:
-You say everything that I did could have been done without touching the snake yeah? Umm, how could I have taken him to the vet without touching him? Yes everything you did diagnostically speaking i.e. seeing that there was a problem... Obviously you can check/inspect a snake without touching it, but if there is definately something wrong (that you have observed and can see from your inspection) and vet worthy, then ofcourse you are going to have to touch it...but if there is nothing wrong, then why disturb it unnecessarily after it has only recently fed?

And one final question, why did you have to go and hijack yet another thread with your absolute crap?HAH! You call me asking a simple question then replying once (not including this current post) to your accusational abuse hijacking your thread? WHAT A JOKE! You, my dear have hijacked your own thread and made an argument out of something that wasnt even there!:rolleyes::lol: I've seen you do it in countless other threads Bah! I only know of one honey, be sure to PM me the list of all the countless other ones, as I would love to see it! ;)before and ignored it... Ohhhh good on you! Im proud of you! Want a lollypop? but to come into my thread with that attitude is not onEveryone has right to an opinion my dear, you cant say who does and doesnt post on it... I'm sorry, but you dont have super powers like that! Not even the mods do!:shock:, especially when it was just a simple thread And I asked "just a simple question" and you blow it out of the water! in which I've asked for help from EXPERIENCED keepers (and a bit of moral support) Honey, I merely asked a question, I dont see why you had to get all uppety about it, plain and simply just curious...:? insinuating im not experienced? :lol:Nice work! Oh... poor bubba want a dummy to suck on...?:p, Methinks you were the one that wanted to have a go at me, and wanted to start an argument...I feel so loved :D Sorry, but you lose...;) not dilusion people who think they know what they're talking about and want to criticise others. I never said I thought I knew everything nor would you even know my mental status...;) clearly you have more pressing issues than I...;) You made an argument out of one question....LOL! :)Your initial comment and nothing that you have said since has any relavence whatsoever to my situation. So I didnt give "valued experienced advice" I asked a bloody question instead of telling you what to do, so what! Shoot me! LOL! It still has relevance as it is about your sick "wo is me" python...:rolleyes: (thats moral support isnt it? I did call it "wo is me" implying that I know that its a poor sick python just because its yours...;):D) Every single thing you have tried to make a point about are opinionated and will differ from keeper to keeper and I'm sure from breeder to breeder. I never said your methods were wrong or that my methods are gods word only truth:rolleyes:, merely stating that it can be done other ways and I would have "handled" that situation differently....For what I feel would be best for the python... So what I may be opinionated at times, take a cup of cement and deal with it, those that like me love me for it, those that dont, I really couldnt care less about...;) Me touching my snake certainly didn't make it sick, it was sick before that. Didnt say that it did (again with the assumptions and accusations! :rolleyes:GOD! I stated it "PROBABLY DIDNT HELP THINGS" and also could have risked your snake regurgitating on you... Note i said RISK not it will.... And me moving it to take it to the vet sure as hell didn't make it sick, it meant that I got the necessary antibiotics to make him better.Good on you mate! feel better now? want a medal? or maybe a woodel?:lol: [/QUOTE]

And just because you are mentally challenged Oh I love being called colourful spritely names! Makes it so more interesting! :rolleyes::D:lol: I will spell it out detail by detail Im sorry, Im not the accusational, abusive little child here, I've already been to little people's school, big people's school, bigger people's school (high school), and old people's school (you might not know what this is as you are too young...Uni) so that you can see that I wasn't constanty handling him and taking him to and from the vet, and any handling that was done was instructed (other than the initial handle which I always do to check on the snake).

Sunday morning- 10am - Feed of 1 fuzzy rat.
Monday arvo- 4pm - Hide taken off to check snake, seemed to be yawning, picked up to inspect breathing, slight clicking when held to the ear and puffing of the throat. (2minutes) Put into snake bag whilst phoning vet to see if I could come straight in. Vet says yes.
Vet trip 1: I drive to the vet. The vet does a check over, notices symptoms. Doesn't get a good look inside the mouth. Vet says it could just be him re-aligning the jaw or discomfort from an awkward feed. Tells me to keep an eye on him and check him every so often to make sure he doesn't get worse.
Monday night: 8pm. I take the hide off and he moves again, I notice the yawning. I pick him up to listen from breathing, clicking has gotten worse. Puffing of the neck is more constant and yawning more frequently. I take the chance while he is out to take a photo whilst he is yawning. I put him back in his cage where he remains for the rest of the night.
Monday 8:30pm: Two of the best breeders in Darwin are phoned to ask for a second opinion. I describe the symptoms and they tell me to take him back to the vet asap and say that they sent me.
Monday 9:00pm: I phone the vet's emergency number and talk to the vet again. The vet says to come back first thing in the morning to have antibiotics prescribed.
Tuesday morning 8am : Vet trip 2: I take snake to the vet as instructed by 2 top breeders and vet. Vet examines again, looks at the photo, and prescribes fortum injections every second day. I return home, snake goes back in cage where he has remained for the entire duration of the day. Blah blah blah, *yawn* all this we would have needed in the first post if you were going to be pedantic about it... too late now, its already been diagnosed and prognosis been issued... (you know what a prognosis is right?:shock:)

I bolded the key parts you missed the first time around young one...;)

So you are saying that its ok to handle snakes that still have food bulges in them? Willing to risk them regurging etc (causing more possible unnecessary problems) on you all for the sake of doing something that can be done without even touching the snake?

Oh, I'm jumping to conclusions eh? It was you who said you took it out... not me... and by taking it out and to and from the vet countless times, that would involve SOME form of handling no? this is the part you missed where I imply that I KNOW that it has to involve some form of handling to get to and from the vet!;) Are you insinuating that I think and believe certain things now from me simply stating that "what were you doing handling it so soon after? and that couldnt have helped things" How did you get all this other mumbo jumbo (yes technical old school term I know, I sound like an old fart LOL!) i.e. the stuff I bolded for your viewing pleasure and ease... Is that not you jumping to conclusions etc? Getting all this from one simple question etc? I have not even said nor implied any of that!

I don't care how old or big the snake is, I "I" meaning this is what I and I only do... not how everyone else should do it! always leave it minimum of 2days before I touch the snakes (obviously the older the snake, the bigger the food item and the longer it might take to digest, so unless there is reason elsewise *not sure if thats even a word, but anyways* I dont touch them until there is NO bulge whatsoever visible, usually a day or two before they crap or the day they are due to crap and I get a pleasant present lol)...

You know you can still observe closely and check/inspect etc your snake without touching them... And I'm almost certain that you dont open every one of your snakes mouths 24hrs after every feed to inspect their mouths, Seriously curious to know suey, do you do this? or not? I bet you dont ;) no alteria motive here, just want to know... you probably would never have even thought of this until this snake came down with what it did... (and before you get on your high horse, I routinely check each snake's mouth weekly when I get them out for cleaning the enclosures)

And you only noticed the problems inside its mouth from it constantly opening it etc (all which can be noticed and observed without touching the snake!) Everything it came down with and you described, could all have been done without touching it... Yep, no, I didnt think I said you couldnt touch it to take it to the vet, I was commenting on the inspection part, not the "resolution" part...Yes it may have been easier to some extent, I'm just putting it out there, that to check that your snake is fine after a feed, you dont necessarily have to touch it or pick it up especially 24-36hrs after a feed! Or maybe you just arent that observant to notice every little detail without having it in your hands? Again, I didnt think I said you couldnt touch it to take it to the vet, I was commenting on the inspection part, not the "resolution" part...

Nothing like a good ol' bit of subtle re-iteration hey seumas?:rolleyes::lol: Want my subtle but obvious as hell "re-iteration"??? Nah, I'm sure I've spelt it out clearly enough, we will see... ;) Obviously wasnt clear enough...Go figure, its always the way...:lol:

Have fun with ur suey support group buddy! ;) I'll let you go slander me in chat, PM's etc, I dont care, it will make you feel better! The world is already against me, whats one more bubba?;)

Cheers for the laughs...
Why so serious?......;) Lets put a smile on that face!
I didn't read a word you said... (now can you stop hijacking this thread and leave it for people who care about my sick snake because it's becoming unpleasant.)
Just an update. He's still looking pretty crook and won't come out of his hide even though the lights have been off for hours. Is there anything I can do for him to help him recover faster or is it just a waiting game with his antibiotics?

:( Poor thing. Hope he comes good for you. You caught it early so he should be ok.

May I ask why (the hell) you were handling your snake pretty much straight after a feed?:?

All the extra handling checking him and taking him to and from the vet constantly whilst he's just fed can't of helped things much....

The way you come across Ishah is pretty poor. The tone of your text really needs tneding to.

They posted on here of their own free will and asked for help / advice / assistance and not ridicule from someone who thinks they are above everyone else. everyone makes mistakes, that's what makes us better people and if we did'nt make mistakes we would'nt learn.

Can I suggest you take a step back before commenting? I'm sure you have the animals best interests at heart but I too have been critical of herpers, perhaps it's just the way that I reply in forums determines in the end how I come across.

I'm sure your snake will be fine. I have'nt read through every post but have you had chance to ask the breeder if any of their other animals have had similir issues? Could be one off.
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