Random things kids say

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My 4yo one day said, “lean down mummy and I will give you a kiss on the forest”

He meant forehead.

I rolled around the floor laughing with a totally different visual image going through my head, (and before you ask, when I ask to kiss her on the forest she slaps me)

OMG! I laughed so hard and loud at this one! Great belly-laugh material Tinky, thanks! :lol:

When my eldest was in kindy, I overheard a mother say to her 4 year old son "could you please put your shoes on for me?" He did... Then the mother said "honey, you have them on the wrong feet"... He said, quite matter-of-factly, "but they're the only feet I have Mum"! I thought it was pretty cute at the time!
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my friends wife asked her 4yr old daughter...
Nadine: whats your name
Lacey: lacey turner
Nadine: whats my name
Lacey:mummy turner

just gorgeous
several years ago i was looking after my cousin about 2 at the time we were in coles and at that age she was repeating things from the TV. So in coles she told me she had to go to the toilet so i raced off to get out of the supermarket and was at the check out and i said to the woman infront of me excuse me , excuse me , excuse me.... and then she blurted out " have you had a papsmear test lately?" well i went bright red with embarrassment and trying not to laugh i was so embarrassed i couldn't go to that store for some time.

When i was around the same age i was with my mum and great great aunt in kmart shopping centre in townsville and saw a guy with 2 artificial legs and i blurted out loudly gee what happened to his legs? Mum got so embarrassed and bolted leaving me with my great great aunt to explain.
I remember years ago walking my step daughter to school When we got there she preceded to tell her teacher& class she had seen a push you-pull me on the way . The teacher told her that that was a story book animal but Anna was insistant she had seen a real one. Before leaving I pulled the teacher aside & told her we had seen dogs mating on the way .Still makes me smile today
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When my son was about 3, he couldn't pronounce 'Coke' properly....

We were in Coles, going down the drink isle and it was quite busy, as I am looking at prices my son proceeded to say "Do you want a big cok mummy, or a little cok?"

I was mortified...
This isn't that random, but one of my friends was so confident that a platypus was a reptile.lol
When our eldest daughter was about 4 and her sister was not quite 3, I was doing some photocopying while the girls were colouring-in and drawing... Well, number one daughter came and stood beside me, looking quite glum... I asked her what was wrong, and she just looked up at me and said "mum, could you please photocopy some more paper, I ran out?" She handed me a blank sheet of paper to photocopy! :)
When I was working in retail I was serving this lady who must of had a 3/4 yr old with her, when she was at the checkout the little girl was going "mum, mum, mum, mum" to which mother said "yes dear" and the little girl sad " I love you mum" . . aaaaaw

Another time I was at a family friends house and a dog had dug up some bait they had buried, anyway we were looking around trying to find where the dog had taken the bait (and where the smell was coming form) and the little girl who was 2/3 exclaimed "phweor I can smell that stinky ****" ahahaha was so funny!!!
My 8yo neice came home the other day and said to her mother in a very excitable voice, "mum while you were at work today me and Mark (mothers partner) went shopping, he lay-byed a ring and put a $1000 dollars on it", then proceeded to show her mother the ring in the catalogue! :lol::lol:

Mark wasn't there at the time and now my SIL doesn't know whether to bring it up or not. :oops:
My son says so many crazy things but one I will never forget was when he was 3 and we were shopping when he noticed two Muslim women shopping in full veils only showing their eyes. He shouted to me in the most excited voice "look mummy, ninjas, real ninjas".
In the supermarket with my girls when they were considerably younger, and pagers seemed to be all the rage...

In line at the checkout, and a rather "cuddly" woman was in front of us, just finishing up with her groceries when the pager on her hip went off... Number two daughter pipes up "Look out mum, she's backing up"...
In the supermarket with my girls when they were considerably younger, and pagers seemed to be all the rage...

In line at the checkout, and a rather "cuddly" woman was in front of us, just finishing up with her groceries when the pager on her hip went off... Number two daughter pipes up "Look out mum, she's backing up"...

LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE!!!!! your girls crack me up
Husband was mowing the law and said to my young son "In another 10 years you'll be doing this." Without missing a beat, son said "Yes, and you'll be dead." Husband was VERY insulted that son thought he was that old.

In a service station with my 3-year-old daughter. I was paying for petrol and she piped up "Mummy, I have to go to the toilet - and it's NOT shy!" The attendant laughed and just pointed toward the facilities. (We ran - at that age you get little warning.)
When I was little about 5 or 6 I went to the zoo. My parents were looking at some animal and allowed me to go about 200m ahead to the seal enclosure (Which was a dead end so I could not get lost). After spending about 2 minutes at the enclosure I ran that whole 200m back shouting at the top of my lungs, "Mum, dad you have to come quickly the seals are mating you have to see this!".
when my 3rd son was younger he couldn't say truck, we were walking up the road past a truck and he said xxxx mum xxxx, to which i quickly said yes son truck. very embarrassing
when my 3rd son was younger he couldn't say truck, we were walking up the road past a truck and he said xxxx mum xxxx, to which i quickly said yes son truck. very embarrassing

hahaha, my husbands nickname is Truck and he drives a truck, its very embarrassing when she says "look daddy, ******* ******* ********"
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