I totally agree with you but to say "there is no such as a snake that doesn't bite"??? What message does that send out?
How about "any animal can, and will, bite in certain circumstances" ! !
You could buy a species of dog that is known to be placid, BUT if it feels the need to bite, it will !
my top tips:
-Research snake husbandry and setup the potential home, run it for a couple of weeks EMPTY and check the temps in all different ambient temps, eg with the room heater/air conditioner on, its no good having a basking spot for snakey that turns into to a roasting spot and his cool spot is 30+ before your thermostat cuts in, or worse, fails.
-go around the tub/enclosure and try and squeeze your little finger into the gaps, (between tub and lid / sliding glass doors, slots in large vents) if you can squeeze the tip of your finger in there, there is an escape route for snakey
- leave it alone to settle in for a week, offer a feed, if it takes it, great, leave it alone for another week and feed again. Establish a good feeding routine before you worry about handling. you have 20 - 30 years to handle it, don't rush it.
- lock all cages if they are in a communal part of your house... nothing gets makes me madder than the drunkin partyer wanting to to be a hero and wrestle my snakes. I keep them locked..