Whats my best option Kitty Litter, Newspaper or bark?

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Jan 27, 2011
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i have two snakes in my room and they are starting to stink out my room. whats best to put in there enclosures to stop them smelling bad
Breeders choice or oz-pet are my suggestions if it's for smell. You will get a million different answers on this though
i find the paper pellets dont really do much to disguise the smell, the best choice really is paper and just remove it as soon as you see its soiled. If you then disinfect the enclosure with some f10 there should be no residue of odour.
only 2 snakes and your room stinks? think you need to clean your enclosures more often. try removing the crap as soon as your snakes pass it
yeah i havent cleaned there closure for awhile cause of work and other commiments but thanks heaps for the advice. ill clean them first thing tomorrow
yeah, your room shouldnt smell if you only have 2 snakes, i use newspaper and i dont have any smell issues.
You people must be lucky to have special snakes whose **** doesn't smell . I used to have my Jungle in my room (with newspaper) and if he crapped during the day my room would smell terrible by the time I got home that afternoon from work/uni.
Try that reptile carpet stuff, I love it got two pieces swap em over every week or so chuck it in the wash. Oh so simple, no smells at all.
Newspaper and regular cleaning soon as it needs doing is your best bet, remember the smells gets worse the longer the poop is left there, particularly in a heated enclosed container ;)
I've been using Kritter's Crumble for a while & really like it (coir aka coconut fibre), & it looks better than newspaper etc. Fairly cheap, but often can't find stockists.

Am now trialing eucalyptus mulch in a couple of enclosures, seems to be pretty much the same as the coir in texture etc, but is heaps cheaper.
Mate if your work and other 'commitments' are taking up that much time that 2 snakes have the abillity to stink out your room then I dont believe you should own reptiles.

You have the time to go on the net and ask for help but not enough time to clean there enclosures. Imagine if someone left you in a small enclosure covered in your 'droppings' all because they didnt have the time to look after you.

I own close to 50 reptiles and over 10,000 woodies and there all in one bedroom and it doesnt stink at all.

Of course theres that beautiful snake musk floating around ;) but not putruid smell.

Maybe you should have a look at your reasons for keeping reptiles and if they dont have a priority in your life maybe think about getting rid of one or both of them, not having a dig just imo the reptiles health is more important to me then your feelings
yeah i havent cleaned there closure for awhile cause of work and other commiments but thanks heaps for the advice. ill clean them first thing tomorrow

In the time it took to make this thread , you could have easily cleaned the cages ;)

I use mainly newspaper for all of mine , with the exception of my gtp and rsp , they have kritters crumble and aspen bedding , I have not really noticed it reduces any smells as I clean as soon as they mess it ...
That's a bit harsh Scorps. Fair enough it only takes five minutes to clean and not having time to do it isn't much of an excuse but it upsets me when people say things like "if you can't do...then you shouldn't own reptiles". Like I said I had just one in my room and I ended up having to take him out because my girlfriend kept complaining about the smell. I would change the paper the day he crapped but if I was at work or uni it meant that it sat there for a day before being cleaned. That was enough for it to start smelling. Maybe some people are just more sensitive to it than others.
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