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I also call Grinner...

Turd Head (when I'm angry at him lol)
Grin (when Im casual with him)
Grinny Winny (when I'm cutesy with him)

I think I'm still getting use to the name Grinner as it seems a little....strange lol
I have a horse called Nav (navman) because all of the travelling he did before I got him, a ginger cat called York (same as the duchess of yorks hair) and 7 chooks - bbq, roast, freaky, feral, cashew, peanut (satay) and Darlin.
My blonde spotted is called hamish,my other spotted messiah,and my coastal osiris
Mines probably more stupid than anything.. My mrs wouldn't let me call my olive oliva so to spite her his name is Enrique Rodriguez :)
I name my snakes after diseases.. I had Scurvy, and now I have Rubella and Typhus.
My bredli's name is Jagger, after Mick Jagger, who is looking decidedly reptilian in later stages in life.

My female MD is Skype, because I bought her just before coming to Vietnam, and left her at home with my partner, and now I only see her over.... Skype! (but we've shortened it to Skip)

And male MD is Barry, after Barry White, who "loves the sexy slither of a lady snake" (Simpons reference)

And Cranky the beardie... self-explanatory.
Stick(y) - because the first thing he struck at was a stick. Tagged it and got stuck.
Charlie - because he reminded me of labrador. Blond, cheeky, and retarded.
My budgie is called Smuggler.
I was so amazed when I heard that name for a budgie for the first time at the Brisbane Bird Vet.. but then every 3rd budgie that came in was called smuggler! Hahaha very popular choice and always a good laugh.

My first 2 chooks I owned were called Zinger and Nugget and my oscar fish was called Oliver
Butch - A very feisty Levis Levis

Nugungo - I don't know why I called a Levis Levis that... lol

Mr Pumpleton - A super fat Cunninghams

Zeki - A blind cunninghams, apparently it means 'to see' in arabic

i picked two waters up not long ago from a maccas carpark and was thinking of naming them Big Mac and French Fries (mac and frenchie) OR just calling them bazza and shazza.
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