Jaguar Spilota Mcdowelli - Coastal Carpet (Believe it or not)
NATIVE REGION: Eastern Australia, though it is a mutation with captive origins. None have been reported in the wild.
COMMENTS: The Jaguar gene is a rare genetic trait that originates, oddly enough, from the Coastal Carpet Python. Jan Eric Engell of Norway produced the very first Jaguar back in 1994 while breeding two seemingly normal mcdowelli together. In 1998 he proved the trait to be genetic (it is presumed to be of a co-dominant nature since the breeding of a Jaguar to a completely normal unrelated mcdowelli produces an average of 50% true Jaguars and 50% "normal" appearing siblings per clutch).
Within the past few years, several new morphs have also surfaced from the same genetic strain, including: the Hypo Jaguar (like the one pictured Bellow), the Red Hypo Jaguar, a completely Banded Jaguar, a patternless or "Banana" Jaguar, *Super Red Hyos (red and cream colored bands with red tongues!), and *Leucistics. The Leucistics were the result of breeding a Jaguar to a Jaguar. Unfortunately, of the 6 produced this year, none have lived long after pipping.
It is also worth mentioning that some of the "normal" appearing siblings found among the Hypo Jaguar clutches tend to turn bright yellow and black with age, closely resembling the pattern and coloration of a Jungle Carpet Python (M.s. cheynei). However, this possible gene remains unproven, so we will just have to wait and see.
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